The Issue with Kanye

Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend! This Monday’s post is from Mrs. P! Thanks, lady!!

Millionaire, almost Billionaire, rapper, fashion designer, producer and former Presidential Candidate, Kanye West needs his own blog post. I think that because the right was embracing a big celebrity and a Black American with pull on the Trump train, his mental illness issues and his problematic talking points were over looked for too long. The small hope that the left would see that the right as not racist is not worth the problems West present words have on people. The right cannot justify his comments any longer.

He said Harriet Tubman did not free the slaves. To tarnish this veteran and freedom fighters legacy for attention definitely needs to be called out for the misunderstanding of history and the disrespect that it is. If I am to always give Kanye credit for the good he has done, he needs to respect our ancestors who paved the way for him to do it.

I honestly do not know what happened to Kanye from the days of speaking ill of former President Bush until his current comments on Harriet Tubman. Does he really believe the things he says or is he looking for attention? I don’t know. It seems that everytime he takes a step in a better direction, he takes a step backwards. I cannot even get mad at the stuff he says anymore because he has done this so many times. It is almost sad because his music genius is unquestioned but it is being overshadowed by his other antics.

Kayne West got clout from conservative spaces when he acknowledge he was a free thinker and supported Trump. This talking point has always bothered me because it assumes that liberal thinking is brain washing. One cannot win people over by insulting them. It is the same thing as HIllary calling right wingers deplorable. All Kayne needed to do was hug Trump and wear a red hat and somehow that means he knows what he is talking about. A broken clock is right twice a day.

Kanye West’s behavior is a symptom of something larger. It is this notion that just because someone is famous that means they should be given credibility when they talk about politics. I never say that a celebrity should just stick to their job, but we should take their opinion as just that, their opinion. Whatever is going thorugh Mr West’s mind is anyone’s guess. But, I think both sides of the aisle should be more cautious on jumping on celebritiy bandwagons just to look cool.

I pray that our brother gets the help that he needs and Christ does work in him to show him the err of his ways.

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