Media’s Role in Shaping Stereotypes

Happy hump day!!  Today, we have another fine post from the wonderful Mrs. P! Thank you!!!! Enjoy!

The media is problematic. Whether it is news shows, newspapers or social media influencers, they sell a narrative and it is done at any cost. They do not care about the people they lie about or the lives destroyed, narrative is all that matters. The media has to be confronted. In fact, there are everyday people like me who take on the media because they no longer do their job. It isn’t even hard to find the truth if one wants to find it. We know that they don’t.

During the riots of late, many people were digusting with the damages to the Black community by Blacks. It was reiterate over and over again that the majority of the poperties damaged were by white individuals. Luckily video footage showed white assaliants breaking things. And the media didn’t call them derogartory names like they do Black criminals. The police line up for the Minnesota riots was majorily white. How come an area prodeominately Black have so many white people locked up. Because it wasn’t Black people.

Yet, the media continues this trend of showing the negative side of Black criminality. We don’t get the same coverage of when drug houses are raided in affluent neighborhoods in which white doctors are caught snorting coke or being addicted to opioids. Meth labs get raided all the timem but the media does not dwell on the societal implications of the growing number of Americans on meth. Instead, we get this question of what is wrong with all of Black America every time one person is arrested. Yes, we should think about why people commit crime but not just minorities.

In the begining of the Corona Pandemic, it was the media that fanned the flames of a virus with a low death rate. Their impact caused panic buying and the country runnning low on essential household items. It faneed the flames and prejudices of Americans being uncaring to their fellow man. The media shapes stereotypes because it pays their bills.

The America public would be better served if we check and double check what news we see. It is not only about finding the truth but dispelling myths that they create. Its like coverage on pitbulls that leave out that most dogs are the way they are by their owners not because of breed.

The media is supposed to be our ally in uncovering things the govt doesn’t want us to know and to keeping us informed. They no longer do this and they aren’t being held accountable.

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