Fun with Feminists (Except They Aren’t Fun…Or Feminists)

Another gem brought to you by QueenB!


This past weekend my Sunday began with a new post from FR, which is always a fabulous way to begin my day. It seemed I was one of the only ones around that early (you late-sleeping slackers) I clicked on the link listed in the article which inspired FR’s post, and I wandered around the site a bit. As I pretty much expected, it was filled with the most hilariously ridiculous crap you could ever hope to read. This would be great fun, except these chicks are actually serious.

One headline that really grabbed my attention was “After Cologne, We Can’t Let the Bigots Steal Feminism”. Here’s the link if you care to read it.

Basically, according to the author, all the media coverage of the violent rapes committed by Muslim men (and we know this because witnesses and the victims – who we are always supposed to believe, riiiiight? – said so) is racist. No big shock there. But she continues and at some point in her twisted logic she decides that the only reason anyone even cares about these attacks is because it’s not a white guy doing the raping, and it can be used to further patriarchal rape culture.

I would really like to the know the last time a roaming band of raping white boys happened and there were people out there who made excuses for them and said someone else was to blame. Bill Clinton comes to mind, but I’m sure these “ist-fems”–because they always get it bass-ackwards-aren’t talking about him. Then I thought of recent “rape” cases: Univ. of VA fraternity “rape” as reported in Rolling Stone, Mattress Girl at Columbia, Duke Lacrosse case, all based on lying accusers. NO ONE in our culture condones rape and if any of those accused were actually guilty, no one would have complained about the strictest prosecutions of these cases.

As we know, in the Muslim culture, rape is more than condoned. It is expected and celebrated, really. So, these feminists, by saying the press coverage, the truth, about these attacks being told is racist, it says to me they want these rape victims to essentially “take one for the team” and not say what really happened to them.

THAT is promoting a rape culture, and you’re worried about some so-called “bigots” stealing your feminism?

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