Unity: Where?

Biden came into the White House last week with a message of unity and some words about bringing the country together. He is good at talking but better at not doing what he says he plans to do. And we, those who can see past his rhetoric, are left wondering who is he bamboozling with his nonsense.

I get it, he has made it to the Presidency after 47 years of platitudes and speeches about the kitchen table. People look past his racist words, his bullying and his child groping because when it’s time to give a speech, President Biden can make some feel good with his words. No, he isn’t as eloquent as Obama or JFK but he does enough for people to feel chills down their leg and that is what matters most; how they feel. But does he actually try to unify a divided country? I would say not at all.

See unity to Biden is the right giving into his demands. Unity is the right not challenging him on anything. Unity looks like the Republicans basically becoming part of one American party. If unity means doing and acting like democrats, then Biden will never achieve that in this political climate.

So far, Biden has written 35 Executive Orders to push forth his Build Back Better agenda (whatever that means). There is no clear path to bring a national raise to minimum wage, no student loan debt relief and no reparations. And that’s from the people on his side. He cannot even do what his own side wanted. Then he ends construction of the KeyStone Pipeline, issues a travel ban on European countries while leaving the Southern border open. Who is he trying to unify? No one.

Neither party seems to have received much of what they wanted in his first week in office. He told oil industry workers that they could “find another job” during a freaking pandemic for crying out loud. How does that unify people? He erases biological female athletes with a pen when girls are supposed to be happy he has a woman Vice President. Unity, where?

Black liberal America showed up for the Biden Administration as most do for Democrats every four years. What did they get? Harriet Tubman on the 20 dollars. It is as valuable as MLK streets being some of the most dangerous roads in America, it is symbolic and nothing more. It feels more like a trinket thrown at us so we can stop holding him accountable for his lack in his EOs. There’s no automatic 2K that came with voting in Ralph Warnock and Jon Ossoff in Georgia. What has happened since he was elected? There is no reason for him to do what he says. It is his White House now.

I am not using this as a chance to bash his voters. I am mad for you. You showed up and you gave him the Presidency. You were tired of fighting what you thought to be a dictatorship and a rise of white nationalism. You had your reasons and that motivated you to pick Biden. I am holding him to his promises, just like you should.

Conservatives can use this as a teaching moment for both sides.  One shows us that we should’ve done more to prevent his election and one that we can find common ground with the left for better for us all.

If any part of his barely existing campaign can be critiqued so early in his Presidency, it is his empty call for unity. No one who is calling for unity would act like this at all. And yet, here we are. I don’t see any unity from social media censorship, to job loss, to the outright lying by his Press Secretary over his actual words regarding corona. I can only hope those that invested in his election can see what I see and hold him accountable. He is all talk right now when people need better.

Unity? Where is it?

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