Biden Is My President

Good morning FRians!  I have a very special announcement today. Our very own Mrs. Pinky has really dug in to be a voice in the conservative moment and is becoming a little famous in conservative activist circles, so it is time she got her own byline on our humble blog! Congratulations Mrs. P! We are all so proud of you! – Queen B

The 46th President of the United States is Joseph Biden. I have come to accept this is going to happen regardless to all my apprehensions and resistance to this turn of events. I know others will not agree with me here and that is okay with me.

What will I do in the meantime under a Biden Administration? I will fight back. I will try to help bring true conservatism with its ideals of conserving life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to areas in which the delivery has fallen flat. I am hoping to bring back the American spirit in patriotism through diversity of thought and diversifying ideas. One way of thinking is not all there is in this country. Here is how I plan to move ahead in the Biden Era.

First, I will help secure elections in the State of Georgia and assist where I can in other places. There were numerous problems and outright bad things done in the electing of President Biden that must be addressed and fixed. I am supporting my Congressman Rep Austin Scott in his bill that will go before the house to fix these things on a federal level. I am also following up with my local political party to get things moving for Georgia like fixing outside money interfering in our races. Biden being sworn in does not protect him from future investigations of what happened on election night.

Next, I will assist in rebuilding conservatism. I am still a conservative and believe that America is best served with smaller government. In this way, I will teach the next generation what that means through my online writings, my podcast and getting involved in schools in my area. I will help with school board decisions of what curriculum kids learn at their institutions and push for better representation of our ideas in colleges across America. I know this is a hefty goal, but we never know what we can do if we can try. I will get with local and state leaders about going after college courses and courses specifically teaching the truth about what the right thinks, feels, and believes. We need true accurate education in America which school choice.
I plan to fight for both regardless of who is in office. And I will hold them accountable to getting our most vulnerable better schools.

Lastly, Biden being “my” president means that I can criticize and critique many of his policy positions from a standpoint of being his constituent, not just his opposition. My fight with his Administration will not be out of pure political rivalry but out of a true desire to do what is best for the American people. I do not only disagree with his agendas set forth because he is Democrat. I disagree with him because his ideas will not work. And now we as conservatives will have the national stage to show in real time, how they are failing. With my media brand, I will be able to circumvent the media lies that will be there to prop him up or to shift blame. I will be there to call out what is wrong and to prove it with real world examples. This won’t be a mission on watching or helping him fail but to present authentic counters in an information age more worried about popularity then spreading the truth.

I will be an ambassador for the minority of Americans during this administration. I don’t mean minority by race but by the individual. People who feel the election was stolen, people who feel that this isn’t the best move for America and people who have bigger and better solutions – I will be working for them. I want to help steer the ship with a captain I believe to be the wrong choice not help it sink.

Will you help me in moving conservativism forward? I think together we can accomplish much, even with Biden as the 46th President of the United States.

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