Credentialed Zealotry

I’m pretty sure today is Thursday, but please correct me if I’m wrong. Lol Today’s post comes to us from Stephen!  Thank you!!!!!

 Ever wonder why so many intellectually inept people on the interwebs never appear to comprehend that they are on the losing side of a discussion, never even stop to consider any alternative viewpoints, cite false definitions or the opinions of other inept people to justify their positions, yet continually mock their projections of intellectual abilities and educational background of those with whom they engage?
    Have you seen the state of education recently?
    Lets start with the fact that leftist professors outnumber conservative professors by a margin of 10 to 1.
    Multiply that by the known habit of leftists to engage in politically driven nepotism where once they have infested any institution will actively work to make sure that new hires and tenures gravitate towards those of similar ideology trumping any concept of merit, as they will also seek to exclude and marginalize those of differing beliefs.  Further, they embrace those bureaucratic functions such as administration, recruitment, human resources, and office politics which most conservatives eschew preferring to focus upon teaching and research.
    Have you seen the state of public media recently?
    Let’s follow with the fact that the ratio of leftist journalists to conservatives is even more severe at about 13 to 1.
    Multiply that again by the political nepotism and promotion by these leftists from the loudspeakers and boob-tubes of America tilting every political, pseudo-scientific, or cultural issue which comes up, and that leftist indoctrination through decades of schooling just becomes that much more reinforced by public endorsement.
    “According to exit polls, 61 percent of non-college-educated white voters cast their ballots for Republicans while just 45 percent of college-educated white voters did so. Meanwhile 53 percent of college-educated white voters cast their votes for Democrats compared with 37 percent of those without a degree.
    The diploma divide, as it’s often called, is not occurring across the electorate; it is primarily a phenomenon among white voters. It’s an unprecedented divide, and is in fact a complete departure from the diploma divide of the past. Non-college-educated white voters used to solidly belong to Democrats, and college-educated white voters to Republicans.”  –
    Naturally the leftist “journalists” at The Atlantic immediately trotted out the fraudulent and discredited “racist party switch” myth pretending that the racists started moving away from the party of the Klan to the abolitionist party in the late ‘60s due to the “civil rights” legislation citing works by leftist “scholars” to rationalize the “diploma divide” from their purely partisan perspective.
    To the rational and more objective it would appear that the hard left turn in academia which began in those same ‘60s increasingly turning colleges and universities from institutions of higher learning into bastions of leftist group-think indoctrination centers; a rather stark variable not easily overlooked by any real scholar that this shift coincided in that same decade.
    The Atlantic article goes on to point out that the shift in the “diploma divide” did not really take off until a black Democrat was elected as President costing those Democrats the support of the non-degreed white union workers in the subsequent elections; rather than Obama telling Joe the plumber that his taxes would be higher to spread the wealth, the Hillary expressed  her desire to put coal miners out of business, Obama’s assertion that those coal burning power producers were going to be driven into bankruptcy, or the condescending attitude of journalists that those workers should “learn to code”.
    What those supposed “scholars” fail to explain is how those same uneducated, racist voters voted Democrat electing Obama in the first place prior to “switching parties”.  For “scholars” their work appears to me nothing more than meaningless partisan foolishness.
    However, the real point is not the self-congratulatory mutual admiration society between leftists in media and academia, but how this federally subsidized and encouraged system creates ever more generations of leftist college graduates who thus develop a false sense of self-righteous smugness for that very leftism.
    Because leftist promote and reward those who express similar thoughts, and punish those who question their leftist ideology, it is only natural that leftists get better grades and are promoted through such a system.  It is also obvious why those of a different political bent would be dissuaded from pursuing academic accolades which they know will be withheld from them.
    How does this really affect the minds of those degreed individuals?
    When questioning the ideas, facts, and principles presented to the student is met with punishment rather than reward, the idea of questioning itself is repressed, something alined with the outsider or the enemy.  Thus “students” learn quickly to accept and not question, or they rebel and leave, thus not getting that prized piece of paper.
    It also affects the types of sources of opinion and facts that such “student” will in the future admit and accept.  Note how dismissive they are of certain news outlets, studies funded by corporations, and opinions of people who have been “associated” with the wrong people (whether true or false).  Note how quickly they presume that any person who disagrees with their own must be in that “other” political camp, are a racist, fascist, sexist, et cetera.
    They are quick to accept as unassailable truth the unsupported opinions of anyone the media labels an “expert” no matter the quality of the opinion, no matter how often that same “expert” has been wrong in the past, no matter the lack of reason or logic supporting that “expert” opinion, and no matter the actual lack of any real qualifications of that “expert”.
    Look at how quickly a teenage high-school student with acknowledged mental problems, Greta Thunberg, became a worldwide accepted authority on “climate change” mostly for expressing her anxiety while being propped up by the media.
    Look at how Nobel Prize winning scientist James Watson became a pariah of academia for simply expressing agreement with known scientific research in the field of human intelligence simply because the conclusions were not politically acceptable to the leftists.
    More often it is the person on social media saying that more of those people with those degrees from those leftist universities held up by the leftists media agree with their opinion so the other person must not know anything about which they are speaking.  They are dismissive of the conservative opinion as uneducated and out of touch, often calling them a “boomer” or a “kid”.
    It is the constant assurance that “people with degrees” agree with them that makes them absolutely certain that they are correct.
    Heaven forbid that they actually have one of those college degrees themselves; then they become much, much worse.  It doesn’t matter that their definition of “socialism” or “privilege” or “racism” is completely incorrect, they are absolutely certain that they are correct because their teachers told them so, and they “earned” their degree by agreeing with that teacher.
    The leftist ideas are beyond questioning, even by other leftists.  It is not an accident that everyone who leaves the left does so because of the way the left turns on them if they dare question the leftist dogma.  (People leave the right too, but their general reasoning is a form of disillusionment rather than being attacked for straying from orthodoxy.)
    What makes the modern leftist advocate/agitator so intractable, so zealous, is the absolute conviction that with education comes intelligence and knowledge.  “There is no fool like an educated fool.”  More important, a fool with a degree will almost never take the time and effort to realize they are being foolish.
    Socrates said that the unexamined life is not worth living, but who stops to examine their own thoughts if they have been certified correct with a college degree?  When the left’s criteria for authority is mere consensus, i.e. acceptance by other leftists, is combined with the left’s nefarious nepotism, their bubbles are secure and safe from any dissenting thoughts.
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