Happy Hump Day!  Today’s post is from Mrs. P! Thank you so much!

The presented video was another debate about the Arbery shooting and the feelings from right leaning commentators. This is the second attempt to discuss two sides of the issue. The main contention was whether the McMichaels had a right to chase Arbery, Georgia’s citizens rights law and who was at fault for this man’s death.

As the discussion was well on its way emotional tension raised over personal issues between some of the panel members. This debate was a lot more contentious that the previous one and seem to always focus on what Arbery did or didn’t do with many not dwelling on the background of the McMichaels. Personally, I wanted more discussion of the 911 call in which the McMichaels never said what Arbery was supposedly done wrong. To me, that makes one wonder was the self defense claim and the burglary claim afterthoughts once they were charged two months later.

At one point during the discussion, people want certain admissions. One was that Arbery was not a jogger just going for a run. Another is his outfit. I think both were irrelevant. Bryson kept humping on the wrestling of the gun but not the events that led up to that. Ms Okfar tried to convey that deadly force is not allowed in a Georgia citizen’s arrest and once it is introduced, that poses a different situation. Officer Tatum seem to dwell on Arbery, what he was wearing and what he should’ve done. He seem trigger at the idea that Hotep Jesus was challenging his assertions after a friendly phone call prior to this meetup. After all, this was his youtube channel and I feel that the everyone was free to present or speak as they wish. Hotep himself seemed less calm than he usual. Uncle Hotep, however, still seemed cool and calm. I think that Mr Jones was well composed and tried to moderate as best he could. He tried to often steer the discussion toward the topic and away from person insults and public perceptions. I was shocked as I watched the explosive outburst from ex officer Tatum. Regardless of what was said off camera, if he cannot hold his composure when people are watching, what has he done when no one was looking. It did seem like he was being pushing into a corner, but he still is responsible for how he responded. If we expect citizens to handle themselves properly in intense situations, those of us who served or have served the country should be held to a higher standard. I am known to have cussed at people on twitter and shown an uglier side which I need to work on. The problem with Tatum doing so is that he has been chosen as the face of the Blexit movement and this behavior is exposed to a larger audience. I hope that he reflects and figures out a better way to go from here. Not only does what we do matter but what we say.

Speaking of things, we say, in the exchange, it was noted that the criminality of the victims was addressed. It seemed that Officer Tatum and Bryson believe that a high number of ex-cons are shooting victims. I do not understand what that has to do with this case but in the larger conservative movement, this is problematic. President Trump is credited with the First Step Act releasing many nonviolent criminals. One cannot be a supporter of this second chance from the President and then unfairly judge people trying to rehab their lives. Being an ex-con isn’t a death sentence.

The explosive ending is getting the most attention on social media. However, I think it is important to note that Black conservatives are indeed compassionate of looking for political means to solve what ails the Black community and people. The fact that these debates take place are a good thing no matter how badly they may end.


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