On a Lighter Note…

While the media was trumptastically trumpworshipping all things Trump over the weekend and the rest of us were enjoying family time, working, or doing chores, 51 beautiful ladies were competing in Louisiana for the title of Miss USA 2015.

Miss Oklahoma walked away wearing the crown, with Miss Texas as the runner-up. (Click the link for some pictures of beauty)

However, their beauty and finishing order are not why I write about this. I found the interview question-and-answer portion of the pageant intriguing. They were all about what the media wants us to pay attention to–race, gender, income inequality, etc. Most of the contestants answered in traditional programmed robotic style, but Miss Texas eloquently turned the tables on them with her answer.

Miss Texas USA Ylianna Guerra

Q: “Last year, CEOs in the United States made around 300 times as much as the average worker salary. Should the government impose boundaries on salaries of executives?”

A: “That’s a very good question. You know, I think that if you work hard enough, you can attain anything. This is the land of opportunity and CEOs — I believe that they work hard enough for their money, so I believe that they should be able to attain whatever it is they are working for.”

It may have cost you the crown, Miss Guerra, but thank you for inserting some logical thought into the competition and standing as a shining example of beauty and brains.

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