A cultural shift that we have to find our way through

Submitted by my brother, Mark81150

This is about a topic we all can see coming, the massive cultural shift the supposed “elites” are forcing on Humanity.

Setting up the conversation, A Rubin show that exposes the coming storm. The topic is set up in the first ten minutes.

When the crazies running the WEF actually admit what they want to happen, and are infiltrating every national government, including ours, to make happen. A return to a Feudal system like what Medieval Europe had and evolved out of. A Nobility, Royals system where the 99% like us, are powerless serfs and peasants. No Rights, No value at all to their desired society.

“You’ll own NOTHING and be Happy.” When we might own nothing, but absolutely will hate the psychotic power mad loons who made it happen. Once having known Freedom, there’s NO way in Hell we’ll go to slavery with a beaming smile. Just an endless war to retake our birthright.

The Plan seems to be, destroy everything, with man-made viruses, with chaotic global wars, with a forced economic crash, to push, push, push until they force a reaction, they can exploit to grab absolute power. Jan 6th was just a start, a test run. All a set up bullshit propaganda run, a Pelosi, DC Mayor set up “insurrection” when it was little more than a small riot with NO weapons brought. Something smart thinking people saw for what it was.

What they want is some broken people to start actually killing government officials so they can declare Martial Law. And set up their WEF, UN run One World government. One that resets every society back 600 years, so these control freak megalomaniacs can declare themselves the royal Kings and Queens again. No more national borders, but regions under the rule of our “betters” like the world in the Hunger Games. The really horrific part is wars will not end as these newly installed “royals” fight amongst themselves for more territory and power, a move backwards humanity cannot stand or tolerate.

In light of this, Humanity is having a reawakening. Where Left, right has less meaning, and it’s becoming a fight between us in the mainstream working class fighting against our would-be oligarch rulers. The blistering imbecile children of the ultra-rich, who hate that us mere “peasants” even exist and would happily see billions die to “save the planet” in the faux religion known as Climate Change. They quite happily say that humans need to be culled for their “perfect” future.

Because “THEY” are just better, are real people, as we in the less than royals’ class are just expendable tools: not human, not of any value beyond work until we die.

When some on the left admit they finally, finally see what’s coming, and realize they’re just useful idiots to this “plan?” Then there is hope that we can reclaim our republic without a bloodbath. A slim chance maybe…

But one we HAVE to reach for, a return to a Constitutional Republic and end this petty dictatorship the democrat “elites” are sleazily trying to put in place with neutered courts, stolen elections and weak to castrated GOP establishment opposition.

The war is: are you an American?
are you a Slave to the establishment oligarchy?

Choose, and choose wisely, we get no second chance for centuries if you choose unwisely.

Things to think about. So, God Bless you my fellow Patriots. We have to win this argument before these thugs force it to be a bloody fight.

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