My thoughts about Tucker Carlson

I owe NRPax a huge apology – I missed his submission completely, so I’m running it now. It’s still quite relevant, in light of Tucker’s continued presence on social media.

It was a big news story when Speaker McCarthy released the tapes on the January 6th protest (I will never call it a “riot” or an “uprising.”) to Tucker Carlson. There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth as he released the first video.

And it showed the Capitol Police welcoming the protesters and the protesters being peaceful.

There were a lot more videos to release but suddenly Tucker was fired and the media desperately drew attention away from this issue.

I openly stated that Tucker simply should have released the videos as a whole and I stand by that. The videos would have already been gone over with a fine-tooth comb from Fox’s legal department and anything questionable would have been stopped.

So, what happened?

A bit of reading revealed that the hate group ADL* had gone after Tucker successfully a few months back and the majority of the big-name advertisers had stopped supporting his show. Things Cost Money and releasing the tapes would probably have put pressure on the remaining advertisers.

So, he had a good story but the money men at the network ultimately stopped this story. I have said before that the media is the enemy and I don’t spare Fox News of that designation.

But what would have happened if he’d released the entirety of the films? It would have been simple to do. He could have done it on his show but run the risk of being shitcanned for it. And the Fox execs would do everything to bury the footage. He could have gone to Twitter since Elon comes across as sympathetic to actual free speech. He could have gone to Rumble or Odyssey and uploaded them there.

This part is mere speculation but based on what I have read so far. There is a lot of footage that was denied to the legal team for the protesters. I think even the most left leaning of judges would be rather pissed about exculpatory evidence being withheld from a defense team. Pressure would have been brought to bear on releasing them.

Certain political animals would be forced to answer Uncomfortable Questions about their behavior and actions from the protest. Now the media would put up a shield wall to protect our Ruling Class but the videos would still be out there.

Tucker is a commentator as opposed to a reporter. He probably stopped short of releasing everything at once in order to build up ratings. But he was up against his own execs who decided that getting rid of their golden goose was the safest approach.

Hopefully the rest of the videos see the light, our political class is taken down a notch or two and the feds that took part in the protest are barred from further employment.

*Yes, I said hate group. I’m tired of people like them and SPLC getting away with crap like this only because they used to do good.

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