Music, past, and present, what kinds do you like my friends?

Another fine effort by my brother in blue, Mark81150

Something of a needed palate cleanser, if you will.


Something for fun, and not about politics for once from me: a John Rich’s new hit single. Standing up to the Biden disaster, the MSM. I like it well enough.


The last few days I’ve been on a nostalgia kick when choosing what music to listen to. Songs that rekindle fond memories, fun times. Songs I loved listening to when Ang and I were engaged, songs that we’d put on when the kids were still little.

So, what appeals to you, my friends? Country, Rock, Metal, Alternative, Jazz, Rhythm and Blues, Symphonic, show tunes? The field is vast and wide open.

Listen to the tinny sounds on a small transistor radio, way before Walkmans, or smartphones were around.

I used to play 45’s, and 78’s my mom had on my kid record player.

I was joking earlier about my old 8 tracks, but most of us recall LP’s. 33,1/3rd’s, played on these.

The last is what the radio in my grandmother’s living room looked like. She still listened to it, back when songs, radio plays joined families together.


Now, tech is so advanced everyone goes their own way, never joining together to listen to the same music as we used to. I’m trying to bring back that tradition. Playing music as the family’s all together on the weekends. Sure, we have different tastes about what we like, but just being together and trying, sampling new tunes can be fun.

We have to stop letting modern life keep us apart; find the time, when we can to just enjoy each other’s company. Have a great Day everyone and remember to share the music you love – we can all find some songs we can all enjoy.

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