The Ongoing Ukrainian Question

Below is a piece written by Mark81150. Thanks Mark, for your submission.


Ukraine. This is a difficult subject with many complex issues and for some. An emotional one.

Clearly Putin’s a power mad thug who’s Hellbent on reconstructing the old Soviet territories. Expanding Russia’s control. But here he’s not counted on the fierce Ukrainian resistance and has gotten himself bogged down in a stalemate.

The complexities come in when the Ukrainian government is not some innocent victim. Corrupted and compromised by crooked oligarchs, even Biden’s own son selling US influence under Obama, and now under Daddy’s little Kingdom of graft. With a complicit US media ignoring all the criminality and smearing anyone with questions as a Putin puppet, being Pro-Russia. The Ukrainian people used as pity porn to urge we send billions in cash, humanitarian aid, arms and ammunition, with by some accounts as much as ten billion “unaccounted” for.

Unaccounted for: the signature of the whole disturbing corrupt family oligarchs like Clinton, Obama, Biden… the whole sad sorry disgusting mess in DC.

Add to that, Putin’s threats to start WWIII if we and NATO don’t let him just steal one more country. With China openly backing Putin and watching to see how far we’ll let this go, rubbing its hands while themselves eyeing Taiwan as another jewel to be stolen.

The little guy caught again in the middle:  we want to aid the Ukrainian people, want to stop the ambitions of Putin, of Xi… but the risks are high. Made all the worse by Biden being a corrupt low-grade moron.

So? What should we, can we do as the world’s leader in stopping this drive to replay the 20th century all over again?

Even with our broken halo, infected with “woke” top brass and an imbecile in chief and his boot licking “free” press.

I’m open to ideas, because we’re not getting any from DC.

Thanks everyone.

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