Winning (or cheating)

Today’s post brought to us by Myr. Nicely done.


Concerning the New Jersey election;

When winning at any cost is your goal, ethics be damned. [ ‘Winning’ does not mean what they believe it does. Cheating…like the way M@croSh!t ‘did’…was how they ‘won’ the OS wars (against IBM). Yet look how far AppleOS has gone, without that evil registry. ]

The parallels to the OS wars remind me of the ongoing political strife. One side ‘wants it their way’….even if they must make ‘usable/productive’ items obsolete. Remember when printers DIDN’T require OS-specific printer drivers, and in a pinch….you used generic? Now you throw away the printer, the cable, the computer….and rinse/repeat.

The current ‘leadership’ is now doing the exact same thing to people (under the guise of progressive mandates). “Begone unvaccinated essential workers….we only want ‘new’ compliant sheep.”

Baah, humbug….
Sorry you ‘social manipulators’….I’m not a machine.
And I’m not going to allow you….to discard me….while you implement your ‘new idea’.

PS: We are all in this, together!

Why cannot we be one nation, undivided, all ‘working together’….without discarding anyone??
Asking for our country!

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