Observations on the State of Things

Thanks for everyone’s patience on waiting for my return so I could post a new piece. I appreciate it.



Today’s post was written by NRPax, and it’s excellent.


Republicans pounce!” screams the headlines as Biden’s foreign policy expertise comes to its inevitable result.

Conservatives seize!” the media wails as images get out of Afghanistan despite their best efforts to block them.

The pearl clutching is adorable from a state run media that finds itself becoming more useless by the hour. They can’t cover for Biden and now they’re turning on him but somehow they manage to find the time to blame Trump for everything.

It’s time we stop giving the Democrats and the media any further kindness. These are the same people that made it an impeachable offense for a Republican to have two scoops of ice cream but they gush in orgasmic ecstasy over Biden’s full waffle cones. Pointing out the actual fucking tragedies coming out of Afghanistan is “pouncing” but there is not one person with two functioning brain cells that thinks if Trump was still in office that they wouldn’t do the same thing.

As for Afghanistan, we’re going to be dealing with the fallout for a long time. In the short term, Beijing is pouncing (See what I did there?) on Biden’s weakness to start getting froggy with Taiwan. God help the Real China. And they are also making inroads with the Taliban for mineral rights. While China is even less concerned with human rights than Russia or the US, they might have problems in the long term but I’ll wait and see.

At home, we’re being forced to take in refugees without proper screening. Pardon my callous nature, but there are a lot of Muslim countries in that area that could take them in and they would have an easier time adapting. And I’m willing to bet that in ten years when we have another terrorist bombing attack on our soil, it will be from these people or one of their children.

Meanwhile, OPEC ignores Biden begging them for more oil so gas prices will continue to rise. Good thing Biden undid the energy independence that Orange Man Bad was bringing us but we’re apparently fine with Russia having a pipeline.

I love my country but it’s becoming an abusive relationship.

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