Radical Republicans : Competition instead of Just Opposition

I cannot be the only conservative tired of taking Ls because of how much the Democrats are winning. And yes, we can call it fraud or whatever, but they are in power. They are in the White House, Senate, and House. I mean Dementia Joe is the best they got. That is saying a lot.  They are in charge of the school house, sciences and even entertainment. What are we conserving? What exactly are Republicans doing? I can’t put my finger on it right now.

No, this is not another criticism of the Right. This is about being on the Right and wanting to win. But the GOP seems stuck in a cycle of doing the reactionary. Doing whatever is the opposite of whatever the left is. That is not working. We are screaming into a brick wall.  We need something new.

I get it, we don’t have many avenues. We have lost the will to remember that Republicans were the competition. They were the Radical Republicans. Yes, that word radical was used on the right and it wasn’t a game or something to just put fear in people’s hearts. It was to say, we are doing something different and we are coming.  These were Republicans who stood up to Andrew Johnson, who got so tired he didn’t seek reelection.

Solutions? Election Integrity is one. Fight to make sure our elections are secure. That is definitely a must. Next, let us fight differently. Why aren’t we buying up shares in media stock and using our coins to take over more media? Why all we have right now is Parler and Gab? We should be going after the coins of places like CNN, book giants, and creating our own social media. Fighting in today’s new medium. We had talk radio, we have channels on XM, and people like me have podcasts; and there are many, many avenues that isn’t controlled by the big companies.

Conservatives see something the left does and reach, and usually they are already late. Fact, Critical Race Theory is 50 years old! Yes! It isn’t something that just sprang up and just came in the last 10 years. The Marxist and socialist saw they were winning in the public sector and used it to spread throughout different institutions, institutions that Democrats already own. And now, once Trump did an Executive Order and state governors are banning it, CRT is already in the lexicon and already being rebranded and disseminated out to the masses. Banning it will not stop it. Banning it is already too late. We need to be the competition, not the opposition.

I understand the problems with being a conservative today, they can kill our jobs, we can lose our families  and we can be sent to jail. Sorry but we may have to be that generation that is the next greatest generation. We talk about the MLKs, the Booker T. Washingtons, the George Washingtons. We talk about our American heroes as if their stories are just in some book instead of inspiring our hearts and minds to be better.

The Republican Party was created out of the idea to abolish slavery among many others and they were not the popular or trendy party of the time. Why now do we use that as the modern excuse? I hear people talk about what we don’t have and what we cannot do. Don’t we tell Black people to stop with a victim mentality and pick themselves up by there bootstraps? Then where is that same intestinal fortitude for those on the right who feel beat down by progressives? It is inside of you. We have Arlington filled with the bodies of the brave. You look at them and you think of their sacrifice. What do you think? These were brave men and women who gave their all for America.

We don’t need to fight on the frontlines of some distant war. We can start with writing policy ideas and directing new candidates on tips of their platform. We can get on social media and fight back against narratives. We can write blogs that inspire people to get up and do something. Our Republic is worth the risk.

On a episode of FoxSoul in which two Black Republicans debated against 2 Black Democrats and the host about Joe Biden’s Plan, one particularly sticking point was that the Republican Party still has no healthcare plan. And the host was so bold to go all the way back to 2010 when Mitch McConnell vowed not to work with Obama on anything. He wanted to make Obama a one term President. The male democrat said that he didn’t want to wait until 2022 or 2024 to get good enough healthcare for his family. Could we fault him for that? What is the Republicans plan look like? I know what conservatives want to do. But where is the plan?

Conservatives want to conserve the foundational principles that built the united states. Conservatives want people to be incharge of their own lives and want to limit government as much as we can and leave a lot up to the local level.  We have the better ideas and we have the better will. We have to dig down deep and find it and do what it takes. Stop looking and being reactionary to whatever the left is. Don’t become progressive Republicans that champion more big government solutions, government is the reason we are in most of the issues we are in today.

I know that it seems like we should fight fire with fire. The better thing we should do is fight fire with water. We need to be brave. We need to be the competition and give our kids something to look up to that when it was all said and done, we should up and we showed out. Get up and get involved. We need you.

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