Putin’s New Puppet

Since Donald Trump’s election in 2016 was attributed to hacking and influence by Putin and, therefore, Russia, the 45th President was constantly called a Puppet of Putin. Drawn were cartoon caricatures of the then sitting President in compromising positions with the Socialist rulers as well as popular memes made of Trump and Putin in bed together. The homophobic suggestive nature of the relation of the two world leaders was the taunting of the left for years and it was fun to do so at a time when tensions between the two world powers could not have been worse. As fears of another Cold War seemed to brew, because everything about Trump was supposed to be bad, nothing he did could alleviate the assumption that the two were best friends. In came the 2020 campaign, and candidate Joe Biden was supposed to be tough on Russia. The man that could stand up to Putin was finally here. Even as the candidate that had voters who were closer to socialisms embrace than not, people believe Biden was going to do something and not befriend and bed the country. Until now.

Apparently a U.S. Colonial Pipeline was hacked and it was blamed, as most hacking seemed to be these days, on Russia. Russia again is meddling in American affairs. And what did the current President that is bolder, better than Donald Trump do? He let them win. Not only did he fail to call the hacking terrorism, he left what he called a “private” company to the hackers. The company in turn had to pay $5million as ransom in order to get the pipeline that supplied much of the South and East’s fuel back on line. Longlines from Virginia to Texas, had American customers fuming and people panicking, as they seem to do during trying times. Cities like Atlanta, Georgia was running low and Charlotte, NC were out of fuel. People were getting upset and looked to the new President to be better than Trump, and do something. And now he eventually did.

So wait, tough as nails Crime Bill Joe Biden isn’t going to handle Russia? Say it aint so! The new President is not going to hold Russia accountable for the recent hack on our fuel pipeline. Instead, he is going to let Russia hack us to save our RELATIONSHIP with Germany. That’s what the excuse is!  This is hilarious if it wasn’t more of the b.s. coming out of this administration after my last post. Big bad United States President gets punked by Russia and the excuse to spin this is that Merkel is more important than securing our pipelines. That’s a huge deal!  And here is why.

Russia has nothing major to export BUT FUEL. It emboldens the one country that the Democrats have spent the last 4 years complaining about. This is the direct opposite of fighting Russia and taking it to Putin. This is helping Putin. Putin has lost millions in much deserved sanctions. And Russia is in bed with Iran! Does anyone care on the left about the connections Russia has that Biden just emboldened?~! Sheesh. No wonder they didn’t want foreign policy that much on the campaign trail. He sucks at it.


It would behoove us to be energy independent to keep our fuel prices low and to export it to make money. Yet, Biden did nothing but bolster before about how tough he’d be on Russia at a debate against Trump. That’s what Biden is known for, talking and doing two different things. The United States was energy dependent when he walked in office and one of the 1st things this man did when he came in was to kill the Keystone Pipeline. Of course he was flip flopping as a candidate when fracking or our energy was a topic. He didn’t want that to be an issue at the polls. Now, he is number 46 he is free to make whatever excuse he wishes with the backing of media like AXIOS to cover for him. But the internet is forever.

There is YouTube video of Joe Biden bolstering about Russia. We all know why? It is his son’s ties to a Ukrainian gas company with completely no experience in the field whatsoever. It is good to be the King’s son. Biden pretend to be able to handle bigger super powers like Russia and China but the more you dig, the more evidence you see that he is more in bed with them than anyone.

Will the newspapers have cartoons of Putin and Biden holding hands as best friends, Biden riding a Russian bear, or the women of the View freaking out about Biden being too lenient on Russia? No. Because the Democratic Party of the United States does not fear Russia. They do no care to be consistent on their hate for  Russia or their criticism of their own party President. They don’t have hypocrisy because they never meant to hold themselves to the same standards they hold Republicans to at all. That is no clearer than the obvious dismissal of a national security threat allegedly by Russia. This is the first time Biden has been called upon to hold Russia accountable and he does not.

Below is a clip of Biden saying things different than he is doing now. Does it matter? Probably not. But since he is now my President, I will personally make sure to call him out on it and show others that he was a liar then and is a liar now, even if the Mainstream media doesn’t have the balls to do it. As Americans, we deserve a President that will stand for us and up to other countries regardless of what other foreign leaders may think about it. Is it too much to ask? It seems so.

And think about Trump’s response as you see what Biden is doing what he is now? Makes more sense now.



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