It’s only May

We are only four months in to the Biden-Harris Presidency and the buyers remorse is strong in America. Of course, the right wants to rub it in and tell the whiners on the left that they were warned. That simply just isn’t enough. We are still paying for the lost of Trump in the end. The independents who picks neither or the Bernie bros who felt disenfranchised  are left fuming. This doesn’t even have to come from a Trump supporter just anyone paying even remotely attention to what is going on. Who really is happy right now? Not too many.


We have multiple fires on all front’s of American society. We have our allies getting attacked in Israel, we have Iran running it’s mouth and Biden already dropped bombs in Syria. We didn’t waste time going back to the good old war mongering days as if Trump’s four years was just a time to let our troops complain about new uniform regulations and women in the Army with ponytails. Yes, that is a whole different topic.

Biden is all over the place when it comes to dealing with our issues.  For example, Biden wiggles his way out of his promise not to raise taxes on people under 400K by saying he meant only 400K single not married. His tax plan is even making vulnerable Democrat Congress critters worried. The ones at the border are openly speaking against him. The American border is wide open, with criminal aliens just pouring in by the thousands and the VP is no where to be seen. I guess just coming out blaming Trump and Climate change was doing her job without her even finding time to go to the border. She had time to go to Cali, Chicago and NH. Anything but to deal with the overcrowded kids in cages, I mean the over crowded immigration facilities that exploded way past what Trump was doing. She has no time for that. No time explaining how most of the migrants are flying across America with no ID requirements and just able to stay where they land. The border is open and it is a mess. But Biden doesn’t send mean tweet.

In only four months, this administration has been able to reduce biological women in sports and have own mothers called “birthing people”, Many laughed as words like chest feeding became the norm in the UK as the progressive left began to follow suit. One can address Black female mortality rates in America without calling us basically breeders. The way feminist said absolutely nothing as this Biden era continues to devalue what womanhood is, is astounding. And our first female VP, again, stays silent.

This week, Colonial Pipeline headquartered out of Alpharetta, Georgia was cyber attacked. The Biden administration left the decision to pay ransom to terrorist up to the private sector. The shift in responsibility was astonishing. The better more moral man, didn’t take a strong stance against our fuel being attack upsetting commerce across the Eastern United States. This is being discussed as an act of war by laymen as the media and the press secretary down play it because they estimate fuel will be back to normal at the end of the week. There is no full guarantee though that this could not just happen all over again. The American people are wondering how to move forward with no real assurances from our Commander in Chief who seems more asleep than anything else.

As the media quickly lies about long lines, frantic Americans are hording fuel and panic buying groceries. This adds on top of rumors of food shortages by farmers trying to recover from the pandemic. Inflation worries of the trillions of dollars already spent is beginning to set in. People trying to adjust their household budgets after covid are called fear mongers because they do not trust Janet Yellen when she tries to spin the current jobs report and talks about raising of federal interest rates. While people, those who even manage to be working right now, are trying to figure out their taxes, their food and their gas; they have to plan for when the money for all this spending will hit their savings.

Biden crashed the stock market just by suggesting an increase to capital gains tax. Many new retail investors who needed some kind of relief for losing jobs due to gov’t lockdowns, were watching as their 401Ks and/or investment portfolios took a nose dive. And as typical Biden fashion, he blew off these people’s worries with more platitudes without substance when he gave his speech. His speeches are all words with empty promises with the America people left holding the bag. Republican, Democrats, independent or even a Bernie Sanders type socialist can see the problems already. He is not helping any side bothered by him being in front of the camera extrapolating and making up words to play JEDI mind tricks on us. To his detriment, the writing is on the wall and this is only the beginning.

His fans told us in the first month to give him time, he has only just won and just begun. Almost 100 Executive orders in and past 100 days, we are beyond the point of waiting.  The April jobs numbers are 700K short of expectations from spending trillions to get us back on track. Biden and Harris have lied, there were no jobs. Only a few went back to work. Is this building us back better? Is this the America voters asked for at the polls?

Former President Obama said “Elections have consequences” and  I agree. We can say that  it is only been 4 months and we cannot believe he is letting Black voters down, unions voters down and children down with the way he has been doing things. Does this lead that maybe people in 1988 saw in Joe Biden what many refused and ignored in him because they wanted to “Vote Blue no matter who”?   I bet some of those remorseful voters thinks voting no matter who, matters now. But Joe Biden isn’t some outsider. He is the opposite of an outsider and has been the same wordy politician for over 50 years. It isn’t like the America people are new to who he is.

Yes, it has only been four months and we have managed to leave Israel vulnerable, piss off North Korea and a cyber hacking.  Is this what Build Back Better meant? Then I don’t want it. But, I cannot be alone. Listen to what he said in 1988 and see if you see any difference in anything that he says now. I think many of us would go back to the mean tweets. Remember, it is only May.

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