The Enchantment Theory- How to Teach Antiracism without bigotry

Most people have already drawn their lines when it comes to Critical Race Theory and the way it should or shouldn’t be in our education system. This post is to support an alternative way of teaching antiracism in schools, businesses and even the political arena. For some time, the left has been answered racism in America with more racism and bigotry. Their solutions try to uplift one subgroup of Americans while crushing another. It is not only ineffective, it will breed more racism with a different target, white people. That isn’t only wrong but it will continue the cycle of problems in this country because CRT does not address what is at the heart of all evil, the human heart.

Until now, the conservatives answer on racism in American was to pretend it wasn’t big enough to address and that all we had to do was ignore the left. But when has that ever stopped the progressive left? Banning CRT in our education system does nothing to stop it’s poison from infecting our popular culture or hood culture, where the streets can teach people the things that the schools cannot. So banning things, which is usually a left political position, won’t stop the coming force of CRT. To defeat bad ideas and thoughts from plaguing the minds of our children and infesting our society, we must compete. And now we have something that can do just that.

The Enchantment Theory is a new way of teaching antiracism by addressing the deeper human reasoning that leads one to extremist ideologies. Instead of focusing solely on the race of the individual perpetrator or victim, this theory focus more on the inside of the mind and brain by tying it’s principles to what connects us all; music and literature. By using the words, language and attitudes of some of America’s greatest artists, the founder of the Enchantment Theory is able to convey a program that focuses on love and compassion. Because the best way to fight hate is with love not more hate.

The Enchantment Theory has a free guide and website that will be posted at the end of this article for your viewing and for you come to your own conclusions about it. What I am not saying here it that it is perfect and without its own flaws. Words like “diversity, inclusion and equity” need not make your conservative side cringe with the progressive connotations you get when you read. The founder worked really hard to bridge the gap between 1776 Patriot History and 1619 History which both are erroneous ways at look at all that has happened in America. You might be hesitant because she uses the work of artist or celebrities that you might find repulsive or who do not align with your core conservative feelings. Please, I implore you, to look past it for a minute to see what the writer has to offer. She has put a lot of time and effort into this in order to give us something to fight for and to fight with instead of just the  contrarian angle of simply banning CRT. Banning, as does most prohibitive actions taken in America in the past, usually ends up in failure. Now we have a weapon that is poised to give us something to fight back with AND focused on addressing many of the problems within America when it comes to race issues.

Well, let me start with introducing you to its co-creator Chloé Valdary.

        “After spending a year as a Bartley fellow at the Wall Street Journal, Chloé Valdary developed The Theory of Enchantment, an innovative framework for compassionate antiracism that combines social emotional learning (SEL), character development, and interpersonal growth as tools for leadership development in the boardroom and beyond. Chloé has trained around the world, including in South Africa, The Netherlands, Germany, and Israel. Her clients have included high school and college students, government agencies, business teams, + many more. She has also lectured in universities across America, including Harvard and Georgetown. Her work has been covered in Psychology Today Magazine and her writings have appeared in the New York Times and the Wall St Journal.”

She has constructed training material, videos and has open dialogue on her own Twitter along with a Twitter separate from the business. There are courses and instructions that can be set up for groups to take.

What is Enchantment Theory? Enchantment Theory is a series based on 3 principles that help us deal with the issues of diversity, inclusion and equity in a way that doesn’t discriminate or isn’t based in bigotry of it’s own. It uses the feelings and thoughts of many to convey ways for Americans to connect within ourselves and with each other on a deeper level. Watch the following as an introduction to the theory:

The purpose is to be a true antiracism message that doesn’t tear down and hurt anyone but to uplift and heal all. CRT’s problem is that it tries to fight antiracism with antiracism of its own. That is problematic for many reasons and does nothing to fix but adds to the problems Americans face. Yes, CRT attempts to discuss race in a more formalized manner that has been washed over and dismissed in past school classrooms. But the methodology gets it wrong.

Conservatives believe in the individual at the end of the day and we need an individualistic approach to fix the heart and minds of a people that are more than capable and ready to talk about racism from any angle and move forward. We cannot simply say that America is Great and that we should all be happy while ignoring many who do not believe in that way. We can no longer afford to leave people who feel disenfranchised without a solution as to WHY conservative values are the means to fix things. Just bashing and demonizing minorities based on the symptoms of a larger human condition just turns them off. In order to be the champions of tough love, we must first show people love.

This does not wash over the problems within the urban condition by avoiding topics that may need to be discussed like fatherlessness, poverty and crime. Instead, it goes deeper to focus on our hearts and minds, not the reactions to how people who struggle deal with the struggling. It doesn’t point fingers without a way to positively move forward. You may consider the use of this way as a negative. At least we have SOMETHING to give people rather just banning.

The Enchantment Theory’s 3 principles are simple. 1. To treat people like human beings, not political abstractions, 2. Criticize to uplift and empower never to tear down, never to destroy, and 3. Root everything you do in love and compassion. These three principles keep out the narratives of divisiveness, bigotry and fault finding. It is built to help lift everyone and to fill in the holes that would otherwise lead people to extremes views. It is attempting to be a balance and for that we should at least give it a read.

Figure out if you like this by visiting the link below and reading the site and the guide. Let us be conservatives that offer Americans options and give the power back to the people to decide what to accept and what to reject without running to Uncle Sam all the time. Things can die out a lot quicker if we provide Americans with choices rather than prohibition.


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