Moving Forward-It is our turn

I am a solutions orientated person and when I see that we as a nation are ready to give up, I get to work. I know, it is a lot to fight and a lot going on but I think God has built me for this time. We are living in a new America in which our freedoms, Constitution, and rights are being treated as destructive, oppressive and erroneous and need to be stomped out. I believe in our foundation, our Republic and our conservative principles that we can find the solutions to the problems we face, if we face them and let go of our ego that it is beyond repair. We can do this, or we should at least try,

What if Fredrick Douglass never taught himself how to read despite laws against it? What if George Washington thought taking on the British was too much of a task? What if the Black soldiers who fought with the Union Army didn’t fight? So fight for America, her ideas and values! What is new is that it is our turn. We cannot point to the greatest generation anymore, they are leaving up out of here. We need to be the change we see and we need to get up and get going. Progressives are constantly fighting, so should we be.

How do we fight back? We are getting an onslaught on all fronts. The State is coming for our kids, our ideas and our churches/religions. The media is lying. The activist are shouting and the people are being mocked, disempowered and taunted. Conservatives are getting beat up politically in the voting booth and in the public messaging system. We are being punched in the stomach and they are asking us if we want more!

Yes, there is fraud. They said they would win by any means necessary and I talked about that in another blog. They are winning, Regardless of how we feel, they are in everything. They have our academia, our entertainment, our tech companies and our trends. BUT! There is a way to fight back. Don’t let the politics and the losing get you down. There is no way to go but up. And damn it, I am going to try.

My first tip is, to focus on what you can do. We can’t go up and smack Joe Biden, we can’t change Hollywood movies and we probably can’t get through to our craziest family. But what you can do is do you to the fullest. If you have circles, drop conservatives knowledge. Talk to your church friends. Make inroads with other conservatives. Form alliances, make a circle, create a community. Grow when and where you can.

Next, work smaller. Work in your local areas. We might not be winning on bigger things but let us steal a little smartness from the left and work from small all the way up. That can be starting outside charities, littler movements and moving up those chains. Marxism isn’t new. Progressives are not new. But they sewn the seeds over decades of pandering, buying businesses and making moves. We can do that too. Democrats use to be the party of workers and blue collared Americans. It isn’t anymore. That was intentionally done.

More examples of this is in HipHop culture. Hiphop culture was an anti-state music genre that gave poor Blacks in the inner city of the Bronx, New York a way to express their opinions, struggles and plight against a system. Today, most rap artist are for the system. They might still talk about criminality sometimes, but they show up at government functions, they go to speak for politicians and host them on their media programs. Hiphop shifting for people tired of the system, now to support of growing the system. An intentional switch to use the culture to spread marxism, a progressive ideology bad for American culture across the board.

How do we change? Get involved in culture. We have conservatives creating media platforms outside of the RNC, use independent social media, make calls on Clubhouse and by being rappers, producers, artist and podcasters. Get involved in non “political” spaces but use that access to promote conservative ideas. Like with cryptocurrency. When teaching someone how to invest show them how much of their money they will lose due to taxes. Mentor local children in high schools and get involved with these programs.

Additionally, support those you see doing the work. Black Guns Matter is an organization co-founded by Maj Toure’ out of Philadelphia. His organizations hosts training sessions around the country to teach firearms safety, first aid and conflict resolution. He goes into urban areas most times forgotten when to it comes to teaching constitutional carry, and informs the residents about their rights and how to protect them. For example. a young man in New York didn’t know he could get charged with having an Ak-47 in the state if he had no ammo. IF he would have had the Black Guns Matter app at his disposal, he could have easy pulled up the state and looked up the law to know his rights on the spot.

With technology, yes they are censoring and shutting down conservative conversation. One way to get around the algorithm on sites like Twitter and Instagram is to misspell things. (YAY for people with typos like me). Their programmers have experts that look for certain languages and topics but if you use numbers in place of letter or misspell certain words, you can get pass them. Also, if you post on certain days as opposed to others, you can get around this too. Using technology can also bring awareness to things you want to bring attention too. Congressional candidate Angela Stanton found out that kids were being allowed to go into nightclubs and exposed to adult content down in Miami, Florida. Instead of just blowing up Twitter, she is suspended, she was able to use her phone and record it inside the club in real time on Instagram Live. She exposed adult content being shown to children AND they are participating on her phone. Conservatives are also all over TikTok making funny parody videos, memes, and skits. They are using what is popular now to spread the message of liberty.

I know with the Chauvin trial and the other police cases, conservatives want to call it quits. But now is not the time to give up. Our kids are watching how we handle what is going on so they know what to do. IF what we have been doing isn’t working, DO SOMETHING ELSE. Fortunately, a fire is brewing and people are ready. Use your phones, use your brains, and make allies in order to win. That might mean listening to people that are unconventional, making inroads in circles you don’t like, or even moving to a new state.

The conservative movement isn’t going anywhere and don’t let the media overhype, the shifts in the mainstream culture or the trolls get you down. They would not attack or come for us so hard if we weren’t doing something right. I just learned recently that there are a ton of people that believe in America and this idea of a Republic with Freedom who have been hiding and lurking watching how we move. Use that to move forward.

If America is the country you say you love and you are a testament to the benefits of being an American, then fight for her. Because someone else fought for her for you to be where you are and we owe them that much to keep it going.

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