Georgia Law Phony Outrage


As many now know, Georgia signed a new Election Integrity law recently. It has made liberals angry and they are out here lying. To combat this, many are pointing out their hypocrisy and rightfully so to do it. There is no way to sugarcoat or explain away this big lying campaign.

It’s not enough that all institutions are predominantly leftiest. Now, we must watch them demonize the right even in our most recent losses. We lost GA Senate. We lost the Presidency. But now we had the audacity to change laws, and the left isn’t happy until it has 100% control.

Yet. How is it that only Georgia is racist? Because people don’t read. They assume team red does something so it’s inherently racist. And a feckless GOP, media and old politicians let it be. Georgia was bad in 1964 and thus must be bad in 2021. Let us not forget that this same Georgia is home to the largest growing Black economic subgroup in the country often referred to as Black Mecca for business. Let’s just ignore that.

Doing a very limited search on Google with its biases, one can quickly dissolve the liberals outrage into immature overreacting. Despite President Obama’s obvious lie in Blackface, Georgia’s new law isn’t racist. In fact, it goes further than many strongly held blue states. And no one on the left or in corporate Georgia gave a damn. What matter’s is the left’s narrative and only the left’s narrative. Everyone is doesn’t matter.

For example, Connecticut allows no early voting at all. Delaware you need a reason to vote early. No Sunday in voting in other states. And New York requires signature matching which has a higher rejection rate for a voter than if they just had an ID. Yup. I guess blue states like Chuck Schumers and HRCs place are more racist than red neck Georgia. How possibly can Cokes CEO sleep at night? Pretty nicely behind his Georgia walls to judge his customers by. He never worried what we thought any other.

For such anti-corporatism from the left in the media and on the campaign trail, these big businesses couldn’t wait to appease the left, and that is after they took the tax breaks from the supposed rednecks of the Great Peach State. I guess making movies here only matter if they can funnel profits into the DNC.

The lying about this law is so egregious, people think they cannot have water in line. The real idea that people use water as an excuse to go up to voters and campaign is neither here nor there. For weeks we’ve seen people SCREAM about water not being brought up by random people to violate the campaigning law. Mind you, that the most awesome BLUE state in the whole country, NEW YORK has the same law. This is how you know people do not read.

Early voting is extended passed 9 days when some states have none. Water can be provided in the form of poll workers can hand them out and water stations, voters can bring their own. Requiring IDs is a requirement in 34 other states.  They address the long wait times with having counties report and update state officials about long times. No one is going to be turned away if they come to vote before 7pm. They didn’t even address the lost of chain of custody of over 400,000 Ballots. But the big Bad republicans in Georgia are somehow the evilest doing what blue states have done.

The lies are grounded in prejudice against the state of Georgia for its sins 50 years ago, many by Democrats politicians and helped with Republican ones. But if we want to dig up a states past to bash it in modern times, none could be no easier than California, Oregon or even N.J. There is no state in the Union without blood on its hands for the treatment of minorities especially Black Americans. Yet, these liberals used Black Americans and their supposed care for us to spread disinformation. The left uses old wounds and struggles of the African American community to spread false lies in a state that actually benefits many Blacks that are creating generation wealth. How offensive.

I live in Georgia because of its low cost of living. Many do not know that the founder, General Orgolthrope did not want slavery in the Georgia colony. It was not until he was fought with by South Carolinian rice farmers that things changed. It was because of Democrats that Blacks suffered Jim Crow laws in the South and they were the laws that put a blight on this states eye. Now Republicans were no better with the Lily white movement and the actual work to push Blacks out of the GOP, but it is silly for Blue dogs to pretend they played no part in the racism this state has been a part of.

Yesterday, I did an interview with Georgia Republican State Congressman Shaw Blackmon about the myths surrounding the law. (The replay is over at the Conscious Conservative Media Network). I took my research further than just Tweeting links and articles like most online do and went to the one of the real life people knowledgeable about the text of the law. And it was astounding how misleading the media is about this thing.

Democrats are hungry for power and it is obvious at how easily they lied about something so verifiable as Queen often says. I literally am a disabled combat veteran that just got the attention of a politician at a county meeting and was able to decipher the truth. I even spoke with the Board of Elections Director for my very own country. The truth in this case is not that hard to find.

If our President, ex President, media and public figures can lie to us about what we can easily verify with our own research; what more are they lying to us about. This lie is so blatant and so untrue that it is disrespectful the way these companies have carried on about it. Because of the white knighting so many left leaning white progressives have, they have to lie on the behalf of the Black community. They must lie, because if Georgia isn’t racist; Stacey Abrams was really a poor candidate and that cannot stand. If Georgia Republicans are not the boogeyman the American Democratic Party and its fans make it out to be, what is there for Progressives to run on or fight against in the 2022 election cycle.

The real truth is, Progressives are in power in every possible way. They cannot claim to be against supremacy that they oversee anymore. And what they are lying for and clamoring against isn’t some altruistic heroism for the Black community, it is for their next win. Racism is all the left has and if we take away the narrative of racism from them, they have nothing to run on.


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