Conservative Inc. Messaging

Well, we have had an interesting week with those in the popular Conservative circles who tried messaging to the Black community. Whew, it has been brutal and bad. But, I am here to point it out so we can all move on and do better. Buckle up.

The biggest story so far is Steven Crowder and his mocking of Black farmers getting money within the 1.9 trillion stimulus bill. I do NOT like that this was part of pork put in the covid bill. But! Not only did Crowder stereotype Black people due to his lack of knowledge on the subject, it wasn’t even funny.

The U.S. gov’t has already admitted to discriminating through actual policies that went against Black American farmers from stealing land outright to other things that put these people behind their white agricultural counterparts. Not only did the gov’t admit it, they admitted that these policies went well past the Civil Rights Act into the 1980s that did not stop the U.S. gov’t from doing what it did. And they were using the force of the USDA. There is so much information about these policies, that I had a hard time going through it all. I have one at the bottom of this post.

Crowder and his panel of jokers did not even know that many of the Black farmers  exist who make a living everyday feeding America. They made stereotypical jokes speaking in jive and Ebonics talking about Hennessey and pretending to be their mostly offensive version of a Black person. All they left out was blackface and dropping some n-words. No one on his team even called him out on it because they thought that it being comedy made it okay. It was the mocking of the Black families that lost their lands, lost money and their legacy that made this not funny. It wasn’t some arbitrary outlandish Leftie claim that was mocked but real victims. Joking aside: Did they think Black Conservatives would see this and be okay with this? Yes, because many popular Black conservatives are okay with the left mocking us. If it was Joy Reid or CNN, they would be appalled and point out the racist liberals. Why did they pick this in particular to get mad at with all the other pork in that bill? Because laughing at Black people was easiest.

Fox News pretended to do a show on the topic. They ended it by not speaking to a single Black farmer for its segment on the issue. They gave time to people who had no idea that this was a real policy decision that the U.S. gov’t investigated and prove to be true. Did they even want to cover what really happened? I think not.

I have a family history of farming on my mothers side, family in construction and agriculture with a few veteran friends that took their benefit to start farms of their own. How messed up was it for me as a Black conservative to see my family and friends mocked due to the lack of investigative journalism by Fox and Crowder. It was wrong, joking or not. Because it came from ignorance on an actual injustice, not some made up grievance usually produced by the Left. And we know the Left has a habit of over-exaggeration. It’s just in this case, the injustice was true.

Next, two prominent conservative news places have stereotyped Black people once again. First, a Babylon Bee executive Tweeted his opinion of how Black people raise our kids. His excuse is because he didn’t say “all”, so what he said was okay. Would white conservatives like it if CRT said many whites are racist and teach their kids hate? I think not. He posted:

Then Newsmax went on to follow up with an incident during Spring Break. Anyone who has ever traveled to Florida, knows it gets wild. For some reason, its a Black thing based on this specific situation:

Conservative Pundits on the right have said racist things this week to gaslight everyday white conservatives to defend themselves from racist accusation and to keep you who are not, angry. They want you mad and they want you to blame it on the left. Meanwhile, I am supposed to be riled up by the racism while rushing to fight the continued generalization of Blacks, by the side I align politically with. It is what kept me from calling myself Republican for years, and what makes supporting the Right hard. Trying to convince Black people that despite this, they should stop voting heavily Dem is an uphill battle. It is tiring and it is intentionally done to keep the anger going.

This is what makes being a right leaning individual difficult. We have to constantly fight the way people some on both sides view Blacks and be the guardians against it. My parents never taught me to be a victim and I don’t believe they are slaves on some plantation. Do I take issue with progressives? Yes, you bet I do. But how can I recruit for 2022 on Conservative and Constitutional principles when Conservative establishment still props up those who bash and degrade minorities? I  do it by exposing the bad and call it out like I do here.

All races have degenerates, criminals, raunchy musicians and sectors hooked on drugs. But somehow only reprobates with Black skin are alluded to represent our culture. Those of us who have never been to jail or who are reformed need to always fight stereotypes when we are on the same right side! And even if someone Black is doing the bashing, it is still wrong.

I don’t know how many more elections or how much more of the culture do Conservative Inc need to take Ls on before people stop giving them bigger platforms to disrespect minorities on. But, this week was a doozy of bad. Meanwhile, Socialists have taken over parties in states, started their ads for 2022 and are working to unseat other Republicans.

Is there still a wonder why Black outreach is difficult to do? I know I am tired. Luckily, I still believe in it and won’t give up.

For further reading: Black farmers case vs USDA

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