Why Am I Republican?

HAPPY NEW YEAR – WELCOME 2021! We made it. :-)

This first Monday of the year brings us a post from Mrs. P!

Thank you ma’am.  

I have never liked the field of politics and spent my young adults years essentially ignoring it. It wasn’t until 2012 when I saw the media sugarcoat the absence of President Obama during Benghazi that my utter disinterested attitude turned to sheer will to change things in America. He was nothing he promised he’d be and his fans make excuses for it. He ushered in a new era of political smugness and bullying. It was beyond time for me to wake up.

I have never been a trendy kind of female so dealing with the public scared me. My fashion is yet to be desired, I worked in the male dominated military and then I moved away from my family in democrat controlled Baltimore and haven’t looked back. I didn’t think someone like me could make a difference. Really, I was just scared to try.

I started on a little know website “Twitchy” getting my feet wet talking politics behind an avatar, I was too shy to do it with my face. As the fighting with trolls grew, I grew militant. I had to do something. It was not the white supremacies, the racist or the sexist who radicalized me. It was the Democratic party. It was their influence in media, academia and entertainment. It was their bullying and cancel culture tactics. They essentially caused me to choose a side. And it wasn’t them.

Recently, I have been working with my local GOP to ensure that Georgia stays red. I have done so because I am tired of complaining behind a screen. I showed my face on Twitter, have gained a following and I lend my voice to a podcast. In fact, I linked up with the director of Black outreach for the RNC, Kevin Daniels. And that is not all. I have found a vast network of like minded individuals who hold conservative principles and conservatives to account. They may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but we all have the singular goal of Keeping America Great.

Why did I join the GOP instead of the Libertarian Party or remain independent? It needs reform. The GOP is full of old ideas of years gone, warmongers and neocons. It has the potential to truly do great things and it is being wasted on ineffective talking heads, social media bad influencers and old politicians with no spine. The GOP is ripe for the taking. But not to just own democrats.

We need modern minds and strategies. We need younger blood and younger patriots willing to take arms if need be against socialism. The socialist aren’t hiding in the shadows any longer and won’t wait on GOP leadership to get it together. And neither am I.

I was scared. Let’s be honest. It isn’t easy being Republican these days and even harder to explain what good is in it when you’re a minority doing it. I want to be an example for others and inspire you to get involved. All hands on deck are needed these days and the coming Republican Civil War will be messy. Creating a new political party will not solve problems within conservatism nor will the Libertarians organize fast enough to get us to where we need to be.

America is our home. I need to finish the fight. And I hope others will do the same.

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