Tech Companies Doing the Most

Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend!  Today’s post is from Mrs. P. Thank you ma’am.

Twitter and Facebook found a way to censor the breaking story by the New York Post. It had emails proving of Biden and his son Hunter’s connection with Ukraine. Jack Dorsey of Twitter went so far as saying it was a mistake after backlash. The fact that it even happened is the issue.

The very thing Trump was accused of with foreign collusion was in this news report. This is the thing Biden said he had no knowledge of. Biden was so upset about the idea that he did anything wrong that he called a man fat and challenged him to pushups. The media is barely reporting on it and these companies that we usually use to circumvent the MSM covering up for democrats are blocking us. I guess some things aren’t for the American media to know.

What I find stupid about this tactic is that Facebook and Twitter just proved months of allegations that they censor anything bad about Democrats to be the truth. In a coordinated effort to shut up New York Posts story, the two companies made it obvious that they do not take issue with interfering with the sharing of information or meddling in election outcomes. They tried to pretend it was about some noble reason like personal info being shared or hacking. Yet, both Tech companies let the NY Times story of Trump’s illegally obtained emails to trend. They don’t care about sources or truth, just as long as it hurts republicans and not democrats.

Trump is up against the mainstream media, the entertainment industry and the press. Yes, reporters are supposed to report the news, yet we Americas can  clearly see that things are only bad when it is about Trump and good when it is anyone else toeing the democrat line. The freedom of the press was to be another checks andbalances on gov’t not a side arm for the Democratic Party.

I do not know who is pulling the strings but someone has caught on to the America public using their platforms to our advantage. We just cannot have that now. These companies need us to be as complementary and as malleable as possible. And we have been a little bit effective.

Even YouTube is arbitrarily banning accounts and shutting down channels in the name of keeping the truth out there?! Yeah right.

The crazy part is that they do not even hide it anymore. If you only care about your rights and freedoms as long as it aligns with the side or ideologies you like, you really do not believe in your rights. If the corporate media covers for Democrats, do we know anything at all? The people who pretend to hate big corporations are using corporations to silence the descent. Are you part of a resistance when you have the gov’t, academia and Hollywood agreeing with you?

It is so bad that investigative reporting by people like Project Veritas is just seen as alt-right fabrications. No one on the left seems to care that Illhan Omar is actually buying votes or that the Colorado democratic member who said that lying and cheating is morally acceptable in politics (paraphrasing), is calling for violence. People only care that Trump be defeated and not the fallout from all the things that people are using to accomplish this feat.

But what will we do? I assume nothing because nothing has been done yet. Nothing about this is surprising and that’s the problem. We’ve become complacent to the tricks and lies as political theater and hoping it will go away after November 3rd. We waive away corruption as political tricks and we don’t care that AG Barr won’t do anything until after the election. The American people are pissed off only enough to write blogs (I know.) But will anything come of actually knowing that these companies silence many? Only time will tell.

They are treading on us. How long will we allow these people to stomp on us until we really fight back?

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