Humility – A reckoning for the soul of America

Hello FRians! Happy Tuesday!! Today’s post comes to us from Mrs. P! Thank you, lady.

There are so many problems going on in America today and I think of how can I make it better with my own unique skill set and experiences. Well, I need to start in my own four walls. I had to take a step backand evaluate if I was doing enough by running my household, my spiritual progress and raising kids in a way that they can succeed. In fact, I was much of a problem with what is wrong in America because I always looked externally at these issues instead of internally. American have been proud for far too long about so many long-ago days and its ego may be its downfall. Self-reflection is hard to do.

Over the last 15 years, the political landscape has changed with factions of each party going toe to toe to score cool points with their followers. In the midst of all this, our own personal lives have been falling away to the social media presence that is so important. Yet, families are internally hurting, loved ones coping with drugs or contemplating suicide. Our homes are in disarray as we argue over who to vote for.A country cannot succeed if families are torn apart. We need a humble awakening.

Humility is putting one’s ego and wants aside for others. In order to do this one must listen to the peopleto fix any problems. America is not doing that. As our cities burn, anarchists are taking the real struggles of its minorities and using that pain to tear down the foundation of our society. Unfortunately, America has been headed down this road for some time. Our chickens came home to roost.

America had leaders who cater to the selfishness of today’s generation, a generation who wants things they didn’t earn from people that did. America has lost its ability to instill pride in people to fix issues themselves instead of relying on government to be their parent. America’s socialist has no humility to go out into the world and fix things themselves. It takes a humbled people to realize government is not our Savior nor should it ever be. . We need our humility back to explain why we are exceptionally better than anywhere else. It is time for America to decide who and what she is today. A reckoning is coming and it is not going to be pretty.

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