Here We Go Again: Democrats Choose Others Over America

Happy hump day! We have a new one from Mrs. P today!!!  Thanks, Mrs. P!

Just like clockwork, the Democratic Party supports foreigners over the United States because they had that they lost the 2016 election. The Chinese Wuhan corona virus has caused a global pandemic and as countries are recovering, many want to hold China responsible for their lies. In stead of our left politicians doing the same, they are looking at ways Donald Trump failed. Not our health organizations, not the leadership of the State with the most cases and not the country that started it all. Why? Because anything to hurt Trump is more important than patriotism and the truth. After all, 2020 is an election year. They will not work on a message that Americans want to hear because that takes people with real ideas. Instead attacking Trump is easier. In the meantime, China is just another foreign country getting its hind end kissed by the Democratic Party. How are you and I going to feel like our best interest are in mind when every time It is America against someone else, they chose someone else? We will not.

I understand not liking Donald Trump. But what actions has China taken to warrant such positive reactions from our politically left and the media. China is already being sued by countries like German and Australia if one must look at what other countries are doing, yet the left does not care. They CCP doesn’t care if Trump wins reelection, they are just trying to save face from this global disaster. China has even been giving out faulty test kits, delayed relaying test information and fudging the data points for other to figure out what to do. This is not enough to stop people like Pelosi from kissing their butt. And how does it benefit the America people to suck up to China, it doesn’t. The left is not even sucking up to foreign nations on our behalf. They literally just side with whomever Trump criticizes. That is sad. Because Trump can only be President one more term, playing this game with foreign countries who do not like any of us here is a dangerous long game disaster in the making. Yet, that does not stop the DNC leadership. They have sucked up to Iran, China and call dictators’ heroes if Trump says otherwise. Truly it is sad, and I continually question why any American wants to be part of the Jackass party.

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