Political Pandering is Cringe

Happy Thursday FR readers! Mrs. Pinky has been on fire lately; here’s another from her.  Thanks Mrs.P!

Whether it is Hillary Clinton dabbing with Ellen or Pete Buttigieg sipping beers with three black guys, politicians have always done things to try to garner votes. Whether it’s extreme policy ideas that has no chance to pass Congress or jumping on every Twitter trend, politicians try their best to seem hip and cool, especially to the young and minorities.

Mayor Pete of South Bend, Indiana mixed up football and baseball references. Mayor Bloomberg went to the local gay themed ice cream shop to relate to the local lgtb community as a rich billionaire. And who could forget the Clinton hot sauce comments, yeah cringe. It is so obvious that pandering is cringe and it needs to stop.

Who out there is falling for the dancing of Colonel West at a Bernie Sanders event? Well, some people did like it. They missed the racist undertones of blacks dancing because their white Savior has finally come. Give me a break. I think Black Americans get pandered to the most in the laziest of ways.

Elizabeth Warrens runs down the middle of a gay pride parade wear a rainbow scarf, hey guys she is an obvious lgtb supporter because colors! Cringe. Hillary Clinton was laughing at a racist joke about two black men looking alike or showing up late is black people time. The cringe is strong.

We know pandering is nothing new to politics. You have potential leaders’ kissingstrangers’ kids and holding up babies, you have dancing kids for Obama or the red hat MAGA children. Kids are an old tool to show the candidates likeability. But does it work? I am not sure, but candidates sure try.

They hang out with celebrity talk show and radio hosts, they get interviewed by the hottest music artist and get endorsed by a comedian. Why do they not get how nauseating this all is? They think the voters are stupid. Am I really going to vote for Andrew Yang because he can squirt whipped cream into another man’s mouth? No. No, I am not. Is it nasty that Trump eats steak with ketchup, yes, but that isn’t a reason to elect or not elect the guy. And these situationsare more than likely to turn off voters than turn them on. (I know, bad pun).

We should be evaluating a candidate on their history, policy ideas and the things that they believe in to fix America. Gimmicky pandering to stereotypes of blacks eating Popeyes chicken isn’t the way to get votes. And if you are voting for someone because they can drink beer with citizens or eat a hamburger at some state fair, you really need your head examined.

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