Grifting in the Age of Trump and the Alienation of Some Black Conservative Leaders

Today’s post comes to us from Mrs. P!  Thank you!  Have a great hump day!

Grifting is when a person main goal to help with politics is to make money. These grifters say and do anything to earn a buck. In fact, it can be detrimental to the hard work many grassroots organizations have put in place to help many see different political points of view. An example of grifting is selling t-shirts after a natural disaster. The money doesn’t go to the victims or any type of clean up but just sits in the pockets of the shirt’s creator. Yes, it is capitalism, but it hurts many movements today.

Take black conservatism for example. We have many blacks that have dedicated their lives to advancing conservatism in minority communities for decades before Trump even ran. Yet, many who are on the ground getting the work done are pushed aside for grifters. These grifters use harmful rhetoric and demeaning language that value driven conservatives have criticized. And when people like me criticize this harmful language, we are called jealous because maybe our platforms aren’t as big as those we call out. Simply, it isn’t about that. It is the integrity of not grifting that makes many non grifters seem behind in followers and influence. We’d rather stay true to our values, then get a bag of money. (I’m not saying that all those with big platforms are grifters or all those with small platforms aren’t trying to grift). Grifting is concerning in black conservative circles and pushes many people who want to help away from traditional conservative values.

Since the age of Trump, people have notice his “MAGA” brand can be lucrative if played right. It has attracted numerous platforms of people who wouldn’t be right leaning if they didn’t see money in it. How can you tell? These people know all the basic talking points, are 100% Trump even when he is wrong, and cannot debate on a meaningful and deeper level. These money grabbers do not know the history of blacks in American politics, can not differentiate between a democracy or republic and have no idea how to explain ideas like taxation being theft and fiscal responsibility. Grifters think that appealing to what is wrong in the Democratic Party instead of what was right in the Republican Party would shift minority focus and earn them cash. They do make money, but it is upsetting the people they are trying to help.

Where are the Republicans? Why is BLEXIT meeting in a city like Buford instead of the heart of Atlanta, Georgia where many minorities happen to be. Why are they going to safe college campuses instead of the heart of HBCUs? How many of these grifters were at the gun rally on MLK in Virginia? Why are they missing in the areas that need to hear from Republicans the most? Why weren’t these people in Virginia campaigning for the 25% seats that went unopposed but now you see them complaining about Virginia be lost to democrats? They need the Democrat boogeyman. Instead of going in these traditional American cities and fighting on the ground, the grifters fight from the outside looking in. They talk about black liberals as if they are mindless zombies and use that to keep a distance. We see them in media but we don’t see them IRL where the problems exist.

This has led to infighting among black right leaning pundits. The biggest infighting seems to be directed towards TPUSA. Opposition to them seems to come from groups like Conscious Black Conservatives, American Descendants of Slaves (ADOS) and Hoteps. Many in the latter groups see the mainstream neoconservatives pick certain gatekeeper that push GOP rhetoric without deeper thought. They use language that condescends the intelligence of our black liberal, progressive, and democrat’s family members instead of challenging them on the mere thinking they possess. In other words, they treat minorities, lgtb and women who lean left as if they are uneducated, unthinking, and uninformed human beings instead of people on the same level as the right that can be won over by debate. Telling someone they are stupid, brainwashed, or uniformed; who the right wants to win over isn’t an affective strategy. But it seems that the more MAGA a person is, the larger audience the right gives them, even if that individuals excuses poor conservatism in the Trump circles.

The cult like attitude in Trump circles has infiltrated black conservatism. It is so prominent; people act like no one else, but Trump followers are trying to reach democrat minorities. When the non grifters challenge the GOP who leave congressional seats open, spend unchecked tax dollars or fail to send money to candidates like John James; we are haters. Instead of listening to the criticism of the BLEXIT movement and why it discourages many instead of encourages; we have the fighting we see today. These new grifting movements have exaggerated the black skin while shrinking the black issues that republicans still fail to address. When black conservatives who existed during the Obama era try to explain to new Trump Era right wingers why they turn off black liberals, we are ignored.

How do we fix this? By listening to each other. Our country has used black minorities since the 60s to get our people depended on the gov’t and to almost fully accept the notion that gov’t will help us in our lives. The left is effectively selling socialism to our people while we fight the infiltrators who don’t really believe in the conservative principles they use to make a dollar.  Conservative principles put WE THE PEOPLE first and charges that it us up to us to define our lives, fight for ourselves, and pay our own way; values many nonwhite people already possess.

Those of us that are critiquing these gatekeepers aren’t doing so to look good or get attention. We see a problem festering on the right that could cause us to lose the battle that matter, stopping socialism in America. The infighting shows that many within black conservative circles care, but not only from being Pro Trump, but being effective at our local levels. We care about generations past the era of Trump. Grifters need to be called out and criticized if we want to be united. This infighting will not stop until those who are using the right to advance their own pockets are debated and exposed.

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