A Smirk Is Just A Smirk

Today’s post is brought to us by the awesome Mrs. Pinky!!  Thank you Mrs.P!

Guys, this post is ridiculous good.  – Queen

As we commemorated Martin Luther King Jr. Day weekend, the media has instead spent all this time- that should have been reserved for him- instead destroying high school students. Instead of using this weekend to come together, this weekend was used to tear Americans apart on a lie about racism. Claiming to be fighting racism, teens were threatened for a lie about taunting a Native man.

But, this post is not about exactly what happened and who was right and who was wrong.  It is about something wrong and subtler going on. It is the continuing themes that comes out of stories charged with racism. It is about establishing new definition of what can be deemed racist.

Here, a smirk was on a the kid’s face. And it is now called racist. What ridiculousness. I have seen over the past few years different things being called racist just because of who wears them and who is using them. It is getting out of hand.

Who gets to decide what is racist or what is not?
Now, we have a red hat with “Make America Great Again” considered racist, we have the okay symbol considered racist and now we have a expression a smirk consider racist. Oh my goodness. Racism is everywhere.

Doctor Martin Luther King wanted people to be judged on the content of their character and not their appearance- specifically their skin color -yet over the last few years it has been completely acceptable to charge someone with racism based solely on how they look and how they dress.  Where else would this be acceptable? We are told Muslims in burkas  we’re not allowed to be judged, women in short skirts we’re not allowed to judged, and any person of color  we’re not allowed to say anything about. If someone wears a funny hat or funny shoe we’re supposed to not body shame them,  people that are overweight and obese we’re not supposed to talk about, and if a guy wants to wear feminine clothes that’s ok. How to talk about an 11 year old boy who wants to dress like a drag queen?
Yet, we go after a teenager who smirked because we didn’t like the concept of the clothes he wore. What utter hypocrisy and double talk.

The funny thing about the entire situation is that it is white people who determine what outfit or what clothing or what facial expression is racist, not minorities. Those whites full of a super hero complex, especially white women, are deciding how they feel about this racism and pushing this narrative. It is not minorities who are the first to scream and holler racism.  It is not minorities who are the first to cry about hand gestures. It was white people who virtue signaled as soon as they saw a white kid and Native talking. The media was ready AND wrong.

Today, A portion of white America feels the need to come out and explain to everyone else what is or isn’t racism. They, through mainstream and social media now decide a smirk, a gesture or a red hat makes you racist. The wokest white people have spoken.

However, if anything and everything can become a symbol of a racist then what power does the word have at all?  What I find the most interesting is that America is so great already, so what we care about seems so trivial in the media. Many organizations feel we need Criminal Justice Reform against police brutality, we have poverty,  we have immigration issues,  we have high taxes, we have High Cost of Living but right now this weekend when we supposed to be commemorating Doctor Martin Luther King Junior on his assassination trying to bring people together, we instead used this weekend to tear people apart. And over a lie.

We’re not just tearing anyone apart.  We are tearing apart the Next Generation. We are fighting children.

America has become the epitome of the First World meme. Our problems our so minute that we fight over facial expression.  We fight over a hat. We see racist symbols in everything instead of the actual ideas. Too many people think they can control how people feel and behave. Those seeing racism in everything do not understand they’re making situations worse. As adults we are setting a grave example to the children we are supposed to be teaching to be better.  We cannot teach our children to be better if we are not first doing better.  Racism is not a laughing matter but seeing it where it is not hurts true racism.  It has grown into a boogeyman where people see racism in everything and every which way.  They see racism in colors, they receive racism and trees and plants and animals and symbols; around every single corner they see it in speech  they see it in decisions  they see it everywhere! Which tends to mean it is in nothing.

As a minority myself, I find it very ridiculous that we focus on things like a smirk when we have bigger things affecting each and everyone of us regardless of our socioeconomic status, race,  gender, sexual orientation, or etc.  The things that divide us will tear us apart.

The United States is one of the strongest countries in the world yet, we let something as small as a smirk,  as small as a hat bother us?  Are we the most bothered people in 2019?
What happened to the backbone in United States?

Seeing racism in every corner does not make us champions of the disadvantaged but paranoid. Paranoid to the point that we can no longer live sane lives.

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