Transgender Madness

The writer of Ecclesiastes was wrong; we haven’t seen everything under the Sun. A recent social innovation has been the transgender mania sweeping the western world. Against the facts of Biology and the light of Reason, millions of our neighbors insist that men can be women, and women men.


The Never-Ending Search for Rights

The search for ‘transgender rights’ follows the blueprint of other campaigns for collective rights. First a fringe group claims a privilege—in this instance the right to claim your own gender and force others to validate your choice. After mobilizing a coalition to their cause, a public campaign dressed as the search of equality follows; here they claim to be merely asking for their rights as Americans, Europeans, enlightened transnational humanists or whatever. Finally, a shaming campaign follows, seeking to intimidate opponents into silence.

The transgender campaign has already reached the shaming stage. Women who object to competing with men in track and field or in mixed martial arts have been subject to social pressure and intimidation. Victoria’s Secret is attacked for not hiring a ‘transgender’ model. And away from the limelight, researchers who reach politically incorrect conclusions on transgenderism have had to fight for their reputations and careers.


Transgender Madness

Although it is both easy and worth it to poke fun at transgender assumptions, lets account for the human cost of transgender ideology. Elite female athletes see their dreams shattered by men competing as women. Psychologically vulnerable teenagers are declaring themselves transgender in an effort to belong to an oppressed group. Horrifically, young people are subjecting themselves to irreversible operations they often regret. Researchers and medical professionals seeking to put a stop to it place their careers in danger. Transgender ideology births tragedy.

Transgenderism is wrong on the science and grotesque in the suffering it causes. The tactics employed by its activists are as despicable as their case is weak. Don’t let the shaming machine cow you into silence. Oppose this ridiculous madness.

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