Social Media Has Evolved: It Has Become Unsocial Media

Happy Hump Day everyone!  Hope everyone is having a good week.  Today we are blessed with a post by our very own Rey!  Thank you so much!!

I will start with some of the basic information out there about social media.  Data reveals that today, about seven in ten Americans use social media to connect, look at news, gossip, share information and  make fools of themselves.  Thirteen years ago, it was mostly the young adults and usage was about 5 percent.  For the purpose of this post, I’m writing only about Americans and a few sites, such as Twit, FB, MySpace.  Social media differs from paper-based, TV or radio, but not to worry, they are quickly catching up to the un-socialness of the web-o-sphere.

News, events, gossip, lies and truths inundate the social media sites today.  The 140 character limit (now increased) is a perfect recipe for disaster. Half truths, lies and complete fabrication of information is rampant.  But, because time is precious, so many just read the grabbing headline or click bait.  And such limited knowledge from only a few words become their talking points and/or argument.  The data collection for these companies; tremendous in dollar amounts. But you all know that.

My topic is the loss of moral character, ruthlessness, classless crap that is written and displayed continuously.  What happened to civility?  Used to be, if you were speaking, telephoning, writing to someone you don’t know, a friend who’s moved on, or a relative, there was a norm for moral and ethical verbiage. I know we were all taught that. When did we lose it?

I suppose the anonymity of it all has empowered many to be vile and evil behind their key board at an undisclosed location. Yet there are those who identify/represent themselves and have no problems spewing repulsive, offensive obnoxious, hurtful comments as well.

I can only imagine how it will continue, how it will evolve, and how much more nasty it will get. Such vile hatred has caused wars.  For some, like me, the answer is simply to turn it off.

That’s it.  Carry on.

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