Media Tries To Understand How They Got It All Wrong

It’s been a week since the election, and during that time I’ve been amusing myself by reading articles, written by the “experts,” full of their shock, tears, and disbelief at how they got it all wrong. They are writing about it non-stop. Lamenting in their articles, on Twitter, Facebook, television, and radio.

I think my favorite is this piece by William Saletan of Slate. Mr. Saletan likes to consider himself a “liberal Republican.” To most of us, that would mean center-right. But to ol’ Bill, that means drooling over the most progressive nominee in recent history–Hillary Clinton. And by drooling I mean, full on slobbering, soaking the front of his shirt, in need of a bib. I quote, “I thought Clinton’s superior preparation, demeanor, truthfulness, and wisdom were obvious in these debates.”

In the article, Mr. Saletan lists his top ten things the media got wrong in their analysis leading up to the election. I thought it would be fun to go through it.

It starts with a question: “How did Donald Trump, the worst major-party nominee in memory, get elected president of the United States?” Well, Bill, here’s your first incorrect assumption. Since Trump beat Hillary, it would seem that Hillary was actually the worst major-party nominee in memory.

Moving on…

1. Did the FBI decide the election? Liberals always blame the consequence and never the action. The FBI didn’t contribute to Hillary’s demise. Heck, they didn’t even file any charges against her. Hillary’s actions with keeping top secret information on a non-government computer is what hurt her.
2. Did the FBI decide the election? I gave you the author’s take on Hillary during the debate. Now let me give you America’s take. Stiff, condescending, entitled, liar.
3. Hunger for change trumped other considerations. We got “change” in 2008 and 2012. America didn’t like it. If any of the media types bothered to pay attention during the primaries, they’d have realized people wanted anyone they considered “not a true politician.” Everyone is sick of the same players.
4. Dislike of Trump wasn’t enough to sink him. You got it. People are sick of the Clinton’s. They’ve worn out their welcome. Again, America wanted a non-politician.
5. Bad temperament wasn’t enough to sink Trump Bad temperament got Obama elected twice.
6. Nearly half of Trump’s voters admit his treatment of women was troublesome. The dreaded -ism. Can’t use racism this time, so naturally it was going to be sexism. Yeah, he sounds like a jerk. But I don’t have to like my president personally. He just has to do his job and uphold the Constitution.
7. Trump did surprisingly well among groups he was thought to have fatally offended. This is my favorite. You thought he offended us? How’s about you let us decide for ourselves what we find offensive. We really don’t need you to be offended for us.
8. Trump’s voters didn’t support deportation. Trump had already walked back his “wall” comments prior to the election. Other than that, I never really believed his stance on deportation. Is illegal immigration an important issue? Yep. And probably anyone doing anything would have been a better choice than Hillary on this issue.
9. Terrorism was a crucial factor. Duh.
10. Trump’s voters are headed for disappointment Not sure how this fits into “what the media got wrong about trump, but whatever.

Here’s the thing, Mr. Saletan…if the media and the pundits really want to feel the pulse of everyday Americans, they are going to have to get out of their little liberal bubbles and talk to them. Not talk down to them. Listen to what people in Iowa are concerned about. Don’t judge them for it. It’s their lives that they have to live. Listen to what people in Pennsylvania are worried about. You shouldn’t gauge everything based on New York City or San Francisco. You shouldn’t even use major cities like Chicago or Houston because those cities are full of the same people you can talk to when you step out of your office. Don’t tell us how to be offended or when to be offended. Don’t tell us a direct lie is just a “misspeak.” We are not stupid.

Trump sold his brand better than Hillary sold hers. And if the media had bothered to listen to anyone other than those echoing themselves, they might have had a clue about it.

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