Honoring Freedom

The past eight years have been rough, and we may be in for even rougher times in the near future. The negativity weighs heavily on the soul at times, and I try to throw in some posts that are lighter, or funnier, or inspirational.

Knowing that today would be the 500th post for the blog, I really wanted to find an inspirational story that honored freedom…the main theme of the blog. It took some searching, but thanks to Todd Starnes from Fox News, I finally found it.

You can read the tear-jerking story here, but I’ll give you the quick overview.

In July, on a flight from Germany to the United States, sat a soldier in full dress uniform. He was there to escort the remains of a WWII veteran. On this same flight was a choir from a college in Iowa, returning home from a tour through Europe.

When the flight landed, an Honor Guard approached the airplane. As the soldier stood to escort this hero to his final resting place, the choir stood and sang “Battle Hymn of the Republic.”

Thank you to all of our veterans here at Freedom Reconnection, for your service and your sacrifice. It’s a debt we can never truly repay. All we can do is honor the freedoms you have given us, and continue to fight by the only means we have–on blogs like this, other social media platforms, talking to people about freedom, practicing our freedoms, and voting both at the local and the national levels.

And because freedom is never free, please thank a veteran every chance you get.

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