Thoughts From Clete

Frequently an issue of this sort will come before the Court clad, so to speak, in sheep’s clothing: the potential of the asserted principle to effect important change in the equilibrium of power is not immediately evident, and must be discerned by a careful and perceptive analysis. But this wolf comes as a wolf.” – Antonin Scalia

I woke up this morning thinking about the passing of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and the implications of his passing on the Presidential race, and the much larger implications of the future of the United States as a Constitutional Republic.

We need to get it right this time, more than ever. There is no ‘what if,’ there is no more ‘next time.’ If we as a nation – as Conservatives – don’t get it right this time, the United States as we know it is finished, and will be but a chapter in the history books as yet another Republic that couldn’t stand under the weight of its entitlement class. If Trump is elected (long shot, but there is precedent) we’ll have nothing more than a Democrat in Republican clothing sitting in the Oval Office. And that’s almost worse than electing a true Democrat, because unlike a true Democrat, with Trump you will never be quite sure where he stands, or when and with what edict he’ll knife you in the back. He’s already telegraphed for anyone paying attention that he’s no Conservative, and in fact holds many Progressive ideas dear.

If we elect Hillary, we’ll get the single-payer system she craves, the unrelenting attack on 2nd Amendment rights that she longs to move forward on, and 4-8 more years of 0bama-type economic failures. Just for starters. Not to mention the near-certain packing of the Supreme Court with far-left judges which will sound the death knell on many of our long-held rights, and creation of new ‘rights’ from whole cloth without any Constitutional basis at all.

If Bernie Sanders is elected, we get the single-payer system, and complete destruction of the financial and business sectors under the guise of ‘equality’ and ‘fairness’ with the promise of redistribution, something that fortunately we’ve been able to keep 0bama from implementing. Extreme taxes on business, which will of course be passed along to the consumer, and which will result in skyrocketing prices and inflation. He’ll usher in his ideas on Socialism, which will themselves destroy the economy of the United States, and likely have huge repercussions on world markets as well, dragging them down into the abyss and in turn plunging the world into at the very least Recession, and at worst Depression.

And I’ve touched not at all on their respective stances toward the world’s foremost outstanding threat to freedom and safety: Islam and its jihadist adherents.

I won’t go into a discussion about Rubio, Cruz, Jeb! et al, because we’re mostly of the same mind here, and agree that the first two are a far better and sane choice in either combination than the horrendous possibilities that I’ve laid out above. That’s a different post for a different day.

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