Christmas Eve

The streets are mostly quiet.
The shopkeepers have gone home.
Firefighters, police, and others stay waiting
Telling stories, sipping coffee, from cups made of foam.

The presents are wrapped,
The stockings are hung.
Carols sung ’round the Christmas tree
By the old and the young.

A young woman lights a candle,
She sits with a picture, flag, and a cross she’s caressed.
Praying for her country and husband, she’s proud and scared.
“Please God, this Christmas, let them be blessed.”

Merry Christmas Eve! Christmas is one of my very favorite times of year. Even after the all of the hustle and bustle, the angry shoppers, and the crowded stores, some of my best memories are of Christmas Eve with my family. When I was young I got to open one present on Christmas Eve. It was always Christmas pajamas. I loved that. I carried on that tradition with my girls while they were growing up. I miss those days now that everyone has grown up, but them memories bring a smile to my face.

On really good years, like this year, we all go to church together rather than our respective churches. Then we head to my parents’ house, put on Christmas music, and eat a big meal of gumbo with some sides. After supper, we just hang out playing cards, telling stories, and of course insulting each other every chance we get.

This year will be somewhat different. As some of you know, my grandparents aren’t doing well. They can’t make the 2 hour trip to my parents’ and their house doesn’t accommodate our family. This will be our first Christmas without them. And that’s about all I want to say about that.

Please say a prayer tonight, or think a kind thought, for the police, the firefighters, EMT’s, hospital workers, and our troops who will spend Christmas serving us.

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