Who’s Greedy? An FR Rant

A “little” back story before my rant…

As most of you know, I work two jobs and six days a week in addition to maintaining this blog. I’m not complaining. I’m thankful to be able to work. And though the economy is terrible and there are fewer hours in my main job, which is the reason I had to take on a second job, I’m still thankful–just ignore me when I whine about being tired.

Yesterday I received a call from my boss at job #2 telling me that I was going to have to take on another day of work due to changes in their contract obligations. Sigh. Now I’ll be working seven days a week. Needless to say, I got a bit emotional. Angry and upset were my top two emotions. Then I started to worry. Physically, I can’t work a schedule like that and maintain my health. Do I need to look for another job? Do I stick this one out and try to maintain a healthy balance?

I had work to do, so I put those thoughts on a back burner and went about my day.

The deli I was assigned to yesterday was already short-staffed and a key employee had just been promoted and reassigned to another deli, making them even more short-staffed. I was privy to watching them try to adjust their schedules to cover for this loss. Others on the staff were volunteering to cover shifts here and there, and I thought, “Wow. What a team!” The manager then asks one of the ladies if she can cover a certain shift. The lady asks how many hours that will give her if she says yes. The manager says, “28.” Imagine the shock and questioning looks on mine and everyone else’s face when she exclaims, “No! That’s too many hours! I can’t work more than 23 hours or I’ll lose my benefits!” Everyone was dead quiet. So I asked what I assumed to be a logical question. “What kind of benefits do you lose if you work more than 23 hours?” In my experience, the more hours you work, the better the benefits. The answer…drum roll…”Food stamps.”

Not only does this woman call our tax dollars her benefits, but she’s refusing to work more hours and earn more money herself in order to keep taking our tax dollars. Benefits??? After hearing the news of my new work schedule and then hearing this, I seriously almost lost all control.

Okay, with the back story out of the way, I’ll continue.

The “Feel the Bern” campaign has been picking up steam. We all heard about the new poll where most millennials now favor socialism so it’s no wonder he’s doing well with the young voters. The “Spread the wealth” message worked well for Obama, so why wouldn’t and even more rigorous “take from you and give it to me” campaign work?

In an article titled, “Why Our Generation’s Best Chance Is Socialism,” the authors go into great delusional detail about how socialism will work. The only way millennials can succeed is to STEAL money from people who work (me) and give it to those who don’t (deli employee), all while claiming that capitalism doesn’t work because of greed.

I’m sorry? WHO’S GREEDY??? Among other things, the article basically says that other people should bail out those who chose expensive college loan-based educations in return for degrees that do not garner them enough money to pay back their student loans. It’s the only way to save them, y’all.

Whatever happened to personal responsibility?

So here’s what I have to say to Mr. and Miss Feel-the-Bern Socialist Wannabe’s…

No. Clearly your mommy and daddy didn’t say this word to you enough when you were growing up, so now I need to say it. NO! You aren’t special. You don’t get to have a life without consequences. You have to fight and struggle and work hard like the rest of us. No, I can’t and won’t take care of you and your life choices, because I’m a little busy over here taking care of mine!

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