Just-A-Blogger Looks Into Political Games Over Local GE Plant Closure, Is Soon Overwhelmed (Updated)

Update: The Milwaukee Fox affiliate reports that Governor Walker considers the soon-to-be-displaced GE workers “pawns” and says he plans to get involved in trying to keep those jobs in Waukesha: Gov. Scott Walker pledged Tuesday that state and local officials … Continue reading

The CO2 Response: Change Is Good Except When It’s Bad

In his address to the nation this week, President Barack Obama tells us he is traveling to Alaska today for three days. He is using the trip as another opportunity to try to freak out Americans with proggy end-of-the-world scenarios, … Continue reading

The One Where CO2 Writes About Voting Rights

The 50th anniversary of the passage of the Voting Rights Act was last Thursday. The website Medium published an op-ed piece by President Obama in which he offered his thoughts about voting rights. (Of all the websites he could have … Continue reading

Our President Wants the Guilty to Feel Like Victims

Today, President Obama is being lauded by the press, just like every other day. He’s receiving the praise this time for being the first-ever sitting president to visit a federal prison. Yet another momentous achievement in our nation’s history. How … Continue reading