Freedom Of Association: Civil Rights Part 3 of 3

This is the third and final segment of Stephen L. Hall’s Civil Rights post. If you need to refresh your memory on parts one and two, you can find them here and here. Thank you Stephen for this informative review … Continue reading

Talking Points Memo Misses the Memo on Accuracy and Consistency of Talking Points

The health care-centric Kaiser Family Foundation–the non-partisan (except for the 98% of donations its employees give to Democrats), non-profit organization–released its 2015 Employer Health Benefits Survey on Tuesday. Tierney Sneed at Talking Points Memo thought she had a “gotcha!” on … Continue reading

Satirical “Anti-Cracker Barrel” Petition Confuses Some People, Predictably

As we’ve been hearing in the news (and seeing on this site) these days, certain words and symbols referenced in history and culture–the Confederate flag, for instance–cause great offense to people. Thankfully, these words and symbols are slowly being eliminated … Continue reading

Good Thing They Didn’t Elect The Vietnamese Republican

There have to be a few people slapping their foreheads over this one. Just days after Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (D-CA) declared her candidacy to run against California Attorney General Kamala Harris in the primary election for US Senator, Sanchez dropped … Continue reading