What Kind of Violent Socialist Are You?

Happy Monday!

As usual, we have Monday morning with Stephen Hall.  Thank you Stephen, and everyone have a good week!

Once again, topical news distracts us from our normal esoteric diversions of law, mathematics, and philosophy.  As the reader is no doubt keenly aware, there was a rally of various fringe groups in Charlottesville, VA, to try to bind these disparate groups together around a common cause.

(I have been tuned out all weekend, and was not the least aware until I started writing this post, so it is a bit on the fly and may tend to wander off.)

Supporters of that common cause also joined that party under the guise of a counter protest.  The communist antifa groups came prepared to stoke the anger and hatred of those rallying and to counter such hatred with their own hatred.

This is not the first, nor will it be the last such confrontation, as such violent confrontations are both well organized and well funded. Antifa has been a problem in Europe for decades, but the methods and practices go back to the political discourse of a hundred years ago.

I do not wish to rehash what I already discussed before, let I get too repetitive, but the present events reminded me of a post I made nearly a year and a half ago:  https://www.freedomreconnection.com/2016/02/29/politics-on-the-rebound/

“Civil rights” laws were passed over fifty years ago amid race riots and demands for change, social justice, reparations, & equality.  Most of the people reading this have never lived in a nation without “civil rights” laws where certain forms of discrimination were illegal in employment, housing, & public accommodation.

Those laws promised to “level the playing field”.  Affirmative action was just to tilt the scales of justice the other way just long enough to level everything up.  When people pointed out that such programs were themselves blatantly discriminatory, they were told that it was necessary to combat a long history of “institutional discrimination”.

The proponents of such a system were callous and indifferent to those hurt by such preference systems because there were others of the same race/gender/whatever who benefitted in the past.  Forget sins of the fathers being visited upon the sons, they demanded atonement for the sins of entire racial groups and genders.

Over the last fifty years, there has been a constant battle, a constant push, a constant drive to favor the “protected” groups to try to make things equal, to make up for all the commissions and omissions of the past, whether real or not.

The SJWs are merely children of their age, born into a radicalized idiocy of “making an even playing field” by forced government favoritism, that they are too close to the idiocy to any longer even be capable of seeing it as stupid.

So, it has been a lifetime now, more than a generation, and the field has yet to become level.  To any rational person it is painfully obvious, the field will never be level, because level was never the goal.

Why do feminists still demand equal pay results despite having equal pay for equal work by law already?  Because, the field will never be equal.

There is an old observation pertinent here.  It has been said that the meek shall inherit the Earth, and heaven help us if they ever do.  Those who have been told that they are oppressed and abused all their lives by another group tend rather than to seek justice, seek vengeance and retribution.

How do you stop a runaway social justice train, before it crashes and destroys everything in its path?  “Objects in motion tend to stay in motion.”  Newton’s First Law of Motion.  A political movement does not stop just because you say, “Hey guys, you’re being idiots; you need to stop now.”

You have to oppose the force, and it will not be easy, and it will not be clean.

What does all of this have to do with the events in Charlottesville?

Many in the media are foolishly hyping the “white supremacists” as a movement entirely created by Trump and Republicans, starting with the 2016 campaign.  Pointing out their flagrant disregard for Obama’s stoking these fires for last eight years will be to no avail, they have stopped listening.

What the communist left will never comprehend is that the nationalist alt-right is a reaction to the left’s decade of ignorance and stupidity of promoting one sided discriminatory and hypocritical rules.  The white nationalists of which they are complaining are a reaction to, a direct reflection of, the practices and policies of the left.

You cannot stoke the fires of racial, and even gender, animosity as a divide and conquer strategy and expect the group thus constantly vilified to not respond in kind.

“Everyone who disagrees with me is literally a Nazi” will create a heck of a lot of people who then want to call themselves “nazis” just to voice their disdain for your arrogance.

“Punch a Nazi” and you’ll find all of those people you’ve spent years calling “nazi” will start punching back.

“But, that does not justify killing people or lethal force!” I hear you saying.  When you draw up sides promoting violence, no one is looking to justify anything anymore.

Justification is an appeal to reason, but it is being demanded from a group which has demanded that free speech be shut down.  “Justify to me that argument which I refuse to hear.”

None of this is nearly as disturbing as the sight of the police officers in full riot gear . . . standing by and doing nothing.

I found it disturbing that the police in Ferguson, MO took to the streets with military looking equipment displaying an increasingly militaristic approach to law enforcement.  I found it more disturbing that police in Baltimore were ordered to abandon their duty and just give the rioters space to destroy.  I am yet still more disturbed at images of police in riot gear in Charlottesville, just standing by while not one group of rioters, but two separate and antagonistic groups violently clashed.

It has been said that for evil men to accomplish their purpose it is only necessary that good men should do nothing.

However, when the state makes a public show of not only doing nothing but displaying that they will not enforce the law, they become not only complicit but encouraging of that violence.  When I see police officers standing by doing nothing while two political factions attack each other, I do not see good men.

Further, when a politicians in the Democrat party and casters in the media use the misdeeds of one man among thousands to attack a political party not even associated with the riots in question, I feel I am looking into the soul of evil.

By what right is this mob violence and mayhem to be labeled “protesters”?  These people assaulting and battering this man in broad daylight and on camera because they disagree with what he says are also evil.

Such violence seeks to force people to chose sides.  That is its real purpose.  The leftist media, politicians, and financial backers want there to be violence, because they are convinced that people will be so revolted by the label “Nazi” that when forced to choose, their side will win.

You never try to force a final decision unless you are convinced that you will win that decision.  Once again, like the 1920s & 30s in Germany, you have communist socialists and national socialists rioting in the streets, and if you show preference to either side you will be pushed to chose.

So, what kind of socialist are you?

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