CNNBlackMail and Fallout

Over the weekend Donald Trump’s Twitter account tweeted a very amusing .gif of him wrestling CNN. It was a laugh, most people thought it was funny and everyone moved on right? The Media, especially CNN, did not. They said that by Trump tweeting that .gif he was inciting violence against Journalists. This is where you knew Donald Trump had once again struck a nerve and the media could not do anything. So naturally what do they do? They can’t go after Trump, so instead they target a random internet denizen who likes to post on a message board material of questionable nature.

Enter HanAssholeSolo and the KFILE. Andrew Kacynski used his resources to track down and find the creator of the .gif HanAssholeSolo. Upon finding the real identity of the man, they e-mailed him and after that e-mail, the user deleted their material, apologized, and pretty much begged not to have their identity come to light. Now CNN are claiming they did not blackmail the user into doing as they commanded and are denying bullying; claiming the user did it on their own accord.

Let’s be fair here. The user receives an e-mail from CNN claiming they know who you are and will release that information if you do not comply with their demands. They are going to personally let the whole Nation know who you are so crazies on the Internet can track you down and ruin your existence. This is the dark truth of being doxxed. People have lost their entire livelihoods to such attacks. Naturally anyone who is a regular user, especially on 4Chan and Reddit, are posting anonymously because they can and they feel safe. To have their real identity come to life is a very dark fear for them and to have that threat leveled at them, they will break and do what they can to remain anonymous. The user buckled and complied with CNN calling it a victory, but holding the promise of releasing his information should they choose to later on. Basically HanAssholeSolo, do as we say and keep doing as we say, or we will get you.

CNN have stepped into dark waters with this attack on a random internet user. It is being called a Meme War and even has a name Operation: Autism Storm and it is going be a campaign to bring CNN down. Their tactics include constant Meme posting everywhere on all websites that offer comment sections, replying to Tweets with random Memes and .Gifs and everywhere else they can post and push their information against CNN. They are targeting Advertisers demanding statements if they support CNN’s actions or not, and various other avenues that will further erode CNN’s dwindling reputation. The goal is to make CNN obsolete and to keep the Public aware of CNN’s agenda and their “Fake News” like Russia hacking the Election.

What we are seeing here in the Mainstream Media, the “Old Guard” if you will, are in their death throws and they are struggling to remain relevant. More and more people are referring to YouTube channels, Social Media and alternative Media websites for their news and information. It is only a matter of time before Cable News are a thing of the past as they continue to diminish with people just cutting the cord. CNN’s actions are just a prime example of their death throws. They attacked the very hands that feed them as by viewing them we support them and I can foresee that more people will switch off from CNN and other Media Outlets that try to defend CNN’s actions of doxxing a random user just because they got their feelings hurt.

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