Who are we? Where have we been? Where are we going?

And now, for something a little different, FR presents, a post from Rey G!

Questions abound about reincarnation. Some folks believe that life is ongoing. Some understand, accept, and/or opine that we return to life as a different person, for subconscious thoughts and dreams detail our past. Dr. Brian Weiss, in his books (one I’ve read: Many Lives Many Masters) advocates hypnotic regression as therapy, claiming that many phobias and ailments are rooted in past-life experiences whose acknowledgment by the patient can have a curative effect. Imagine that. A cure for an ailment once lived. I, for one, have had this recurring dream most of my life that I was shot and killed during WW II on an island in the Pacific. I feel the gunshots riddle my body. Although not overly painful, I feel the burning sensation in each entry wound. I say nothing. I don’t yell nor do I moan. I see my blood dripping onto the jungle foliage, feel a cold sensation in the hot humid night and look at my mates as if saying, “fight on, I’ll be back.” Then, I go into a sleep, non-feel, state. Weird.

Also subconsciously, when I work in my yard, planting fruits and veggies or just mowing the lawn, I feel a connection with earth that I can only describe as “I’ve done this before,” although planting and producing fruits and veggies is fairly new to my life. I feel as though I’ve toiled the soil to produce and survive before. I’ve also found that there are people you meet in your every-day life that raise the antenna of “…wait…have we met?” And there are instances where you travel to a new destination and you feel a sense of “I’ve seen this before, yet I’ve never been here.”

I just felt like sharing these personal observations with you, here in this forum. Perhaps we communicate with each other for there is a connection of what once was, thus we share comments and observations with an ability to notice things, especially significant details, in order to gain information, whether current or past. No? Ramblings? Just my thoughts. Carry on. Talk amongst yourselves.

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