Contrails or Chemtrails

By Rey G.

I’ve been working out in my yard this last week under beautiful cloudless blue sky days and noticed these trails way up there, in straight and criss-cross patterns. What say you?

The scientific explanation for these jet engine streaks is the very hot air spewed out. And, because water vapor is one of the byproducts of the exhaust, and the air is so humid, the atmosphere air where these jets fly, is typically very cold — often lower than -40 F. Also, the atmosphere up there is often of low vapor pressure. According to Science, How Stuff Works: “When a jet engine is spewing out hot, humid air into an atmosphere that is cold and has low vapor pressure, the result is condensation. The water vapor coming out of the engine quickly condenses into water droplets and then crystallizes into ice. The ice crystals are the clouds that form behind the engine. This is why the streaks are called contrails, short for “condensation trails.”

Now to chemtrails. Some extreme tin foil hat theories:the government is intentionally spraying people with harmful substances in order to experiment with side effects, or, get this, to “weed out” the sick and elderly. Some believe that the government is dumping barium salt aerosol on the land in order to assist in radar mapping for defense purposes. Others believe that the government could be experimenting with weather manipulation for defense purposes or well-intentioned attempts to combat global warming or the depletion of the ozone layer by spraying particles to reflect the sun’s radiation. Whatever the case, jet fuel crap and by-products, or other experimental man-made chemicals are dropping to earth, on all of us and our environment. What say you? The theories abound. The images of chemtrail planes with their loaded compounds abound in the interweebs.

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