The First Week

President Trump. President Donald Trump. Still doesn’t quite roll off the tongue does it? I’m not sure how long that will take.

Anyway, tomorrow he’ll will have been in office one week and I thought we could discuss how he’s doing so far.

So what do you think?

My short take is this…the media is scrambling and that makes me laugh. I love this part. They don’t know what to do with this guy that they helped elect. He rarely sleeps, and when he’s awake he’s going full throttle. He doesn’t abide by the niceties they are accustomed to. For example, look to the media whining about the order in which the Press Secretary didn’t call reporters.

I think what we are seeing is Trump, the business man, on a business high. This is what he loves. He’s DOING things. But what is he doing?

He’s met with business leaders who seemed to walk away happy–which is good and way better than he-who-must-not-be-named meeting with basketball teams or anyone from Hollywood. He’s met with union leaders who also seemed to walk away happy. I find that intriguing, but I’m not sure what to make of that yet. There have been other meetings, but none out of the ordinary that I’ve seen.

And he’s signed several executive orders.

So about those…I’m not a big fan of executive orders. I think they can be useful tool in the President’s belt, but I don’t think they are always necessary. And how necessary are they when your party controls the House, the Senate, and the Oval Office, and the nuclear option is on the table for almost everything? Why not meet with Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and lay out what bills he wants passed in the next 30 days and then get it done that way?

There is the argument that an EO can go into effect today, so the president signs the order, and then Congress passes the bill that supports it. Reagan did this with amnesty, so that what’s going to happen with the border, sanctuary cities, etc? I guess we’ll have to let everyone catch up with Trump to find out.

What are your thoughts?

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