Just Another Orphan

The suspect in the Berlin Christmas market terrorist attack Monday, who killed 12 people and wounded 48 others, had terrorist ties, served time for burning down a school, and had previously been convicted of aggravated theft with violence…all by the age of 24.

Is this an example of the orphans just trying to get away from the violence in their own countries who are being “thoroughly” vetted by our administration? His own country of Tunisia initially denied he was their citizen when German lawmakers requested information. Is this the information our administration relies on in their “rigorous” investigations into who we are letting into our country?

Doesn’t it just make you feel all safe and stuff?

I realize this terrorist attack didn’t happen here, but it could. But what is most of mainstream media covering tonight? North Carolina’s potty bill and how Clinton won the popular vote which has zero impact on the presidency.

And yet they still wonder why Trump won.

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