The Matriarchy of America: Part 1

Excited to be posting a series from Stephen L. Hall.


Several years ago I was reading about the experiences of an Argentinian writer, Ricardo Coler, living amongst the Mosuo people of southern China, a matriarchal society, for a time. It was an amusing little article, kind of an interesting human interest story, which I filed away somewhere in the dark, cobwebbed recesses of my mind. Recently it occurred to me that many of the problems we are seeing in our modern American society are direct parallels to his observations in that article.

Yes, America has become to a disturbing and unsettling degree a matriarchy, but not just America, largely most of Western Europe. However, this is a recent phenomena and not indicative of traditional western culture, in fact, in many ways it is the push towards matriarchy that conservatives have really been fighting for decades. Those pushing a matriarchy upon western society, are largely feminists.

Culture encourages certain behaviors while discouraging others. It amazes me how the modern millennial, social justice warrior culture tracks and correlates with the culture of a matriarchy like the Mosuo. When you look further in depth, the reasons are obvious because the incentives, and people’s reactions to those incentives, are universal in their influence.

First, a little background into one of the only surviving matriarchal cultures in the modern world, the Mosuo, as reported by Mr. Coler. It is important to note that men are still in charge of certain decisions in a matriarchy, just as women have certain areas where they make the decisions even in a patriarchy, in particular men are in charge of large decisions like buying or selling property. Even in a matriarchy, much of the physical labor is left to for the men to perform.

“Their living quarters have a main entrance but every adult woman lives in her own small hut. The men live together in a large house.” He observes that the men “are responsible for almost nothing, you work much less and you spend the whole day with your friends.”

On the domestic front, “Love is more important for them than partnership. They want to be in love. The one reason to be with another person is love. They aren’t interested in getting marries or starting a family with a man. . . . They don’t stay together for the kids or for the money or for anything else.”

He states that men are “with a different woman every night.” Further, the “children always stay with the mothers. . . . When they have kids, the children are theirs only – the men don’t play a role.” “Often, the women don’t know which man is responsible for the pregnancy. So the children also don’t know who their biological father is. But for the women it is usually not important because the men barely work and have little control over things of material value.”

All of this sounds disturbingly familiar to any astute observer of the modern western culture which has emerged in the Feminist Age.

Picture a few icons of recent years: Pajama Boy sipping his cocoa in his pajamas on a holiday morning; the basement dwelling, computer game playing thirty-five year living in his parent’s or grandparent’s basement; the single, welfare mother; every “baby-daddy” so named by those welfare mothers.

We complain about this images, but they really are the natural and predictable consequences of society which has became increasingly matriarchal as these young men and women struggle to grasp and navigate their emerging reality. Looking back on it, it occurs to me that I was reacting to this trend and aware of it without being quite able to articulate it at the time. People would ask me if I was ever going to get married, and I would respond, “No. I’ve read the rulebook.”

We have increasingly seen a society where men have been pushed out of their traditional roles in society, relegated by law to mere wallets in the family structure, dramatic rises in bastardization, at the same time colleges boasting that more women are graduating than men, the “science” of climate change by consensus, social policies based upon feelings, and young men increasingly dropping out of society entirely.

The very decision making processes of our society becoming more a consensus of feelings than an argument upon merits or principles.

This is the key to the primitive nature of a society which is a matriarchy, the lack of basic nuclear family structure and the concept of marriage. From this comes an enormous uncertainty of parentage, which in turn has far reaching and far flung consequences of what are effectively fatherless children.

A man strives to claim and defend land, improve property, develop useful inventions, fight wars, and build houses not merely for his own fleeting convenience, but to establish a legacy, an inheritance, for his children. Heirship is the primary motivation for men to work, to leave something for his future generations.

A man is far less motivated to work to improve the lives of a stranger’s children than his own, that is basic human nature. A man without family needs only work just hard enough to provide for his own personal needs, which are often quite modest.

As matriarchal societies have only associated groups of females, with their attendant children, the men are apart and separate. Why build things which are not going to benefit you? We all know how out-of-wedlock birth affect children in America, and how that has been growing over time, but we really have not focused on the cause of the bastardization of America.

Men have ever increasingly been viewed by our society as a dispensable commodity and their contribution to the family to be largely financial due in large part to the feminist movement.

Note that a matriarchal society does not generally create and store wealth, but consumes what is produced every year. As Mr. Coler put it, “They like it when everything functions and the family is doing well. Amassing wealth or earning lots of money doesn’t cross their minds. Capital accumulation seems to be a male thing.”

There are a lot of women in this country which make quite a comfortable living selling certain segments of the American public on the lie that we live in a patriarchy which is suppressing women, keeping them from high office and out of corporate board rooms. This could not be further from the truth. With the advent of the “feminist” movement, our nation has been moving ever more towards being a matriarchy.

I know this sounds very odd to most people especially given the constant drumbeat by those women seeking ever more power that they are being victimized by their evil sons, brothers, and fathers. The pretense of “victimization” is itself an overt feminine power tactic, much like a girl crying crocodile tears in order to get her way.

Look at the economic disparity between men and women in America. Liberals like to harp upon the idea that women, on average regardless of their type of employment, earn less than men on average earn. The observation that economic power does not lie in the earning of money, but in the spending of money. Women spend or have spent upon them three dollars for every dollar a men spend or have spent on them. Spending controls the economy, not earnings.

Faced with a legal system which largely confiscates a man’s earnings to redistributes to the mother of his children while he has no say in how those children are to be reared, it is only sound economic reasoning that men who would be fathers do not bother to earn very much. Why work hard and save money if that money is only to be taken away from you?

It is also no surprise that in a society where there are “strong women who give clear orders. When a man hasn’t finished a task he’s been given, he is expected to admit it. He is not scolded or punished, but instead he is treated like a little boy who was not up to the task.” Feigned incompetence means that “the men barely work and have little control over things of material value.”

It is the nature of a matriarchy to take the labor of the men to then redirect it to the benefit of the women who are in control of the money and wealth of that society. “Men are good for [commercial kinds] of decision-making as well as physical labor”, Mr. Coler recounts. It should come as no surprise that the matriarchal mantra of the feminist society is: “From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.”

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