Does Michelle Obama Eat Like This For Breakfast?


Ha! Doubtful.

But this is what was served to students at Kohala Middle School in Hawaii. Similar pictures were sent in by parents with students who attend Waipahu High School. The school says a fourth item was offered as per the First Lady’s guidelines on school meals–an orange.

I’m all for people eating healthier…by choice. I’ve always been a fairly healthy eater, but that’s my choice. And I agree that teaching kids to eat healthy increases the chances that they will eat healthier as adults. But the meal pictured is ridiculous even if you add an orange to it. This is especially true for middle school and high school students whose bodies are growing rapidly and changing constantly. Add sports to a child’s day, and this meal really doesn’t cut it.

Cookie cutter meal restrictions don’t work for most people. They don’t factor in physical activity, growth rates (for children), body size and build, metabolism, and probably a few other things. These federal guidelines (what authority does the First Lady have to set federal guidelines?) need to go.

***Just for reference to body size and build, metabolism, and a child playing a sport: As most of you know I am petite. I also have a very high metabolism and I was a classical dancer when I was younger. My diet consisted of at least 5000 calories a day, high in protein and carbohydrates.

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