Monday Morning Madness

Well, this set my hair on fire…

In Rogers, MN, a girl’s basketball team was kicked out of their league the day before a tournament this past weekend.

For being too good.

Yep. Some of the other teams in the league threatened to quit because they were most likely going to lose. The league apparently thought the best way to deal with this was to punish the would-be winners. You can read the entire story here.

My question for the whiny-pants teams left in the tournament is this: Since there were still losers in this tournament–because you know, that’s how tournaments work and stuff–do the girls who lost feel better for having not lost to the team that was kicked out? Or do they still feel like losers?

There are winners and losers in everything, and I’m just a whole lot sick of the mentality that rather than teaching people to strive to become better athletes, or work harder for a better paying job, people instead wish to castigate those who have succeeded!


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