Journalists Are GOP Stooges for Not Worshiping at the Altar of Hillary, Says Journalist

Salon. That oh-so-un-biased example of newsy journalistic integrity is proving once again just how unbiased and newsy they are by attacking Politico for reporting on all things Hillary-gate.

Headline: How Politico became a GOP stooge: Republicans want to destroy Hillary Clinton—and the media is helping them out

Subheading: The political press’s obsession with taking down the Clintons has led them to regurgitate Republican untruths

Click and read if you want a good giggle. But if you don’t want to add clicks to the moronic “news” site’s statistics, I’ll sum it up for you…

1. If you report anything negative about Hillary, you are a “weirdly obsessive Clinton twitter stalker.”
2. If you report anything negative about Hillary, you are falling into the vast right wing conspiracy trap which is “driven by the media’s Ahab-like obsession with bringing down Hillary Clinton.”

Hear that, rubes? Journalism is not reporting facts. Journalism is only reporting things nicey-nice about Heir Hillary. If you report anything negative about her that might make a voter think she’s not all that trustworthy, it’s not professional and makes you a “GOP stooge.”

Written by a proud GOP Stooge Lifer.

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