All Roads Lead to Taxes

Remember when they told us we had to pay the gas tax to pay for the roads and to fix the roads and so we did? Then they said we were polluting too much with our gas guzzling CO2 producin’ earth killers, so they said we had to make cars higher in fuel efficiency (which costs us more) so that the planet wouldn’t overheat. And so we did. Then they said we still needed more money to fix the roads, so many places created toll roads or increased the cost of existing toll roads.

With all of this extra money we are paying, you’d think the roads would be fixed and the earth would be healed. But no.

But fear not, Oregon has a plan to save the planet roads. Oregon, the first state to introduce a gas tax to fix the roads, now says that because of better fuel efficiency in vehicles, they don’t make enough money to fix the roads. So what do we need? More taxes! A GPS-enabled, pay-by-the-mile tax!

So a tax on the gas, a higher cost for fuel-efficient cars, a toll fee which is just another word for tax, city and county taxes, and now another tax for every mile you drive on the roads, and with the government overreach bonus of knowing-where-you-are-at-all-times GPS tracking system! Yippee-kai-yay!


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