Using Old Glory in Your Facebook Profile Pic Means You Hate Gay People

Are you a Facebooker? You want to celebrate the Fourth of July on your profile?

Well, you may not want to do that. You could be branded a homophobe.

Apparently–and I say “apparently” because I’m not a Facebook user at present, so I have to take other people’s word for it–Facebook has given users the ability to have a semitransparent rainbow flag filter on their profile pictures as a way to “Celebrate Pride” after the recent SCOTUS ruling that legalized same-sex marriage in every state.

Now a writer at the UK’s Independent doesn’t like that an American-based conservative website gives people an image of the Red, White, and Blue to use as an overlay on their own Facebook profile pics. The Independent author must still be trying to forget what the independent colonial rabblerousers on this side of the pond did nearly 239 years ago.

Now that the site Right Wing News is giving visitors something similar to Facebook but with a U.S. flag instead of a rainbow flag, it has to be an obvious sign of prejudice and/or bigotry.

From the Independent article:

What is the opposite of gay pride? “AMERIKUH!” apparently, at least according to, which has created a tool for users to give their Facebook profile pictures a translucent Stars and Stripes overlay.

Amerikuh! It sounds like duh. And it has a K in it. Two more and you have KKK. Lousy rednecks.

Never mind that Independence Day is this Saturday. And never mind that there’s nothing on the RWN page that indicates the site owners did it as a screw-you response to Facebook’s “Celebrate Pride” photo filtering tool. It’s a flag that isn’t a rainbow, and the Independent found one tweeter who considered it a counter to the rainbow flag, so you clearly hate rainbows. And LiGBoTs. And pride.

The author of the article refers to the American “flagging” on Facebook a “backlash” to the rainbow flagging. Blimey, the daft wanks who whinge and make such a kerfuffle over the Stars and Stripes around the Fourth of July ought to pull the knickers ou’ of their bums and bugger off with that rubbish.

You know what? The United States flag filter may not have been a response to the rainbow flag before, but it can be now, seeing as some fragile dweebs can’t help but view the American flag as a microaggressive trigger and have to go seek their safe spaces.

Show your pride. Grab the flag and post it in your profile pic. Tick off a liberal today.


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