Progress For the Sake of Progress

Progress, progress, progress. I keep hearing this word from the Left.

Marriage is now a constitutional right…Progress!


Abortion in facilities not up to surgical standards and in the third trimester…Progress!

Just what exactly does the Left think that word means? They seem to think that any change is progress, even if the consequences are dire, as they are with abortion. I’ve never been an advocate of “no abortion ever.” But come on! Five months isn’t long enough to decide? Why are they not concerned at all about how many girls and minorities are killed every year through abortion? When the Left rants about “women’s rights” and “hashtagblacklivesmatter,” why aren’t they concerned about these girls and minorities? Do they not matter?

Oh right…Progress.

They also routinely say it’s progress when they take something from one group and give it to another as they have with health insurance. Millions gained insurance when Obamacare became law, but millions of others lost their health insurance. And those that lost theirs are helping to pay for–subsidizing–the ones who now have it. This is “fair”?

Oh wait…Progress.

Now that marriage is a “right,” what are the consequences of that? Will people have the right to marry Fluffy the cat? To marry multiple people at the same time? How soon until pedophilia is renamed “minor-attraction” and 50-year-old men claim they have the “right” to marry nine-year-old girls?


The Left has been embracing “progress” since the 1920s. It stalled out for a while, but this administration has ramped it back up and gone full steam ahead with it. Progress for the sake of progress is deteriorating our freedoms and this great country, which will cause the destruction of our republic. We must fight back. We must get involved at all levels of government, including the local levels, and elect people who will fight this. Otherwise, our current leadership is going to progress us right off a cliff.


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